Warren Buffett's Estate Plan: No More Donations to Gates Foundation After His Death

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Warren Buffett's Estate Plan: No More Donations to Gates Foundation After His Death
01 Jul 2024
min read

News Synopsis

Legendary investor Warren Buffett has announced a significant change to his long-term charitable giving plan. While donating another $5.3 billion last week, he revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will no longer receive a portion of his estate after his death. Instead, the fate of his remaining $128 billion fortune will rest in the hands of his three children.

A Shift in Priorities: Gates Foundation Loses Funding After Buffett's Death

  • Farewell to Gates Foundation: In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Buffett confirmed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will not receive any further donations after his passing. He stepped down from the foundation's board in 2021 following Bill and Melinda Gates' divorce.

  • A Generous Past: Prior to this change, the Gates Foundation was slated to be a major beneficiary of Buffett's estate. Since 2006, he has donated a staggering $55 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway stock to various foundations, with a significant portion earmarked for Gates.

Warren Buffett's New Plan: Leaving a Legacy Through His Children

  • Empowering the Next Generation: Buffett's revised plan grants decision-making authority to his three children regarding the distribution of his remaining Berkshire Hathaway stock. This approach mirrors his existing strategy of allowing recipient foundations to determine how they utilize his donations.

  • A Shared Goal: Buffett emphasizes that his children understand the core objective behind his philanthropy: to support those less fortunate. "There's eight billion people in the world, and me and my kids, we've been in the luckiest 100th of 1% or something," he stated. "There's lots of ways to help people."

The Gates Foundation Responds with Gratitude

  • Appreciation for Past Support: Despite the change in plans, the Gates Foundation expressed deep gratitude for Buffett's past generosity. Mark Suzman, the foundation's CEO, acknowledged Buffett's invaluable contributions, totaling approximately $43 billion, that have significantly impacted their work.

Warren Buffett's Legacy: Beyond Philanthropy

  • Continued Leadership at Berkshire Hathaway: Even after his recent donation, Buffett retains significant control over Berkshire Hathaway. He still owns a substantial number of Class A shares, granting him the most significant say in the company's operations.

Leadership After Warren Buffett

Even after giving away a substantial amount of Berkshire shares, Buffett will still own 207,963 Class A Berkshire shares and 2,586 Class B shares, retaining significant control due to the voting power of the Class A shares. He hasn't bought or sold any Berkshire shares in the past 18 years.

Buffett has designated Greg Abel, one of Berkshire's vice chairmen who oversees all non-insurance businesses, to succeed him as CEO. His son Howard, who serves on Berkshire’s board, is set to become chairman but will not be involved in day-to-day operations. This ensures continuity and stability in Berkshire Hathaway’s future leadership.


Warren Buffett's recent announcement regarding his charitable giving marks a significant shift in his long-term strategy. Here's a quick recap:

  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will no longer receive a portion of Buffett's estate after his death.

  • Buffett's three children will decide how to distribute the remaining $128 billion fortune.

  • This reflects a shift in focus towards Buffett's family charities, empowering the next generation to continue his philanthropic legacy.

  • The Gates Foundation remains grateful for Buffett's past generosity, totaling $43 billion in donations.

  • Berkshire Hathaway's leadership succession plan remains unchanged, with Greg Abel taking over as CEO and Howard Buffett becoming chairman.

Buffett's revised plan highlights his faith in his children to uphold his philanthropic values. While the Gates Foundation loses a major donor, Buffett's commitment to helping those less fortunate continues through his family and their chosen causes. This decision will undoubtedly spark discussions about the future of philanthropy and the role of family in shaping legacies.

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