Indian Job Market to Grow by 22% in Next Five Years, Driven By AI and Machine Learning Roles: WEF

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Indian Job Market to Grow by 22% in Next Five Years, Driven By AI and Machine Learning Roles: WEF
02 May 2023
6 min read

News Synopsis

The Indian job market is set to expand by 22% over the next five years, with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data segments creating the top jobs, according to a recent report by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The report, titled "Future of Jobs," surveyed 803 companies employing over 11.3 million people across 45 economies and 27 sector clusters. The study estimates that globally, 69 million new jobs will be created in the next five years.

Broad adoption of ESG standards and new technologies to drive job growth

The WEF study found that 61% of companies think the broader application of environment, social, and governance (ESG) standards will drive job growth, followed by increased adoption of new technologies (59%) and broadening digital access (55%). The report also noted that the manufacturing and oil and gas industries have the highest levels of green skill intensity globally, with India, the US, and Finland topping the list for the oil and gas industry.

AI and machine learning to create top jobs, agriculture and education to see significant growth

The WEF report states that the AI, machine learning, and data segments will create the top jobs in India, with agriculture and education sectors seeing significant growth. Employment in the education sector is expected to increase by 10%, creating 3 million new jobs for university and higher education professors as well as teachers of vocational education. The report also predicts that jobs for agricultural professionals, particularly agricultural equipment operators, graders, and sorters, will see a 15-30% increase, leading to an additional 4 million jobs.

Funding for training

The study found that 97% of respondents in India indicated that "funded by the organization" was their preferred source of funding for training, compared to the global average of 87%.

The Indian job market is set to grow by 22% over the next five years, according to a recent World Economic Forum study. The report predicts that jobs in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data segments will be among the top roles. 

The manufacturing and oil and gas industries are expected to have the highest global levels of green skill intensity, with agriculture and education predicted to create the most jobs in absolute terms. 

The report highlights that broadening digital access, increasing adoption of new technologies, and applying environment, social, and governance standards are the top drivers of job growth. Employers in India prefer funding training programs, with 97% of respondents indicating that "funded by organisation" was their preferred source of funding for training.

Important News Tags and Headlines for Reader

Indian job market expected to grow by 22% in the next five years, says WEF study

Tags: Indian job market, WEF study, job growth, AI, machine learning, data, green skills, agriculture, education

AI, machine learning, and data segments to create top jobs in India

Manufacturing and oil and gas industries have highest global levels of green skill intensity

Tags: Manufacturing, oil and gas, green skills, job growth, global levels

Broadening digital access, adoption of new technologies, and ESG standards to drive job growth

Tags: Job growth, digital access, new technologies, ESG standards

Agriculture and education sectors to create most jobs in absolute terms

Tags: Agriculture, education, job creation, job growth, absolute terms

"Funded by organization" preferred source of training funding in India

Tags: Training, funding, India, organizations

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