Google Maps Suffered a Massive Outage

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Google Maps Suffered a Massive Outage
19 Mar 2022
5 min read

News Synopsis

Google Maps suffered a major outage that prevented some users from getting directions on the map for long periods of time.

The website loaded as usual but the actual maps were disappeared. The outage started late on Friday. Users were able to receive text directions, reviews and recommendations but were unable to see the directions on the map. 

According to a post from Google Maps Platform Status Dashboard, the problem was related to the directions and several other Maps related application programming interfaces.

After facing the problem for a long time, the services were restored on Saturday morning. Google has said, “Multiple Geo Enterprise services experiencing high rates of error. Mitigation work is currently underway by our engineering team.

It said that the API services are starting to return to normal. Meanwhile, 48% of users faced the problem in the Google Maps application and  47% of users reported problems with the Google Maps website.

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