How Virtual Communication Prompted Swift Results during the Pandemic

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Pandemic doubled our usage of digital devices at home, kitchen, bathroom, and even during lectures or work! If the Covid-19 pandemic hadn’t occurred, there would have been minimal chances of increasing dependence on cell phones. #ThinkWithNiche
If there’s something that left a deep cut in our lives, is the palpable effects of a pandemic. Nobody ever imagined 2020 would be wrapped by a ginormous crusade, claiming millions of lives around the globe. Fast forward to 2021 now, the situation remains grim, but many refrain to notice what’s going around. We have moved on from the health management disasters that toppled down like a huge rock from a mountain. Though, this reality will remain etched in our memories like a firebolt, for all the reasons why missing the deceased members of our family, running door to door to help the underprivileged. Amidst the chaos, the way industries exchanged communication changed drastically. Here is an overview of how virtual communication during pandemics evolved.
Challenges That Overtook Communication Space
People across all sections of society grappled through challenges that took over communication space. It should be noted that the majority of business ventures shifted virtually, updated work from home techniques to stay with the bandwagon. Since the office spaces were empty, it has brought immense loss to the real estate sector. Life became unusual for students. They could no longer enjoy ‘school life’ or attend college to meet colleagues. A lot of young school kids who reside in remote areas with absent or minimal network connectivity struggle with online classes. They even experienced low attendance due to poor internet connection. On the other hand, city-goers lives were seen easing up. Since traveling to faraway colleges can leave a toll on students, staying home and attending lectures virtually improved students’ habits to attend college or school but this time on a virtual platform. However, many complained that online workspace and education attract stagnancy. During pandemic, limitations restricted employees, students, professionals, and workers on-field experiences. One of the most crucial challenges is to balance health and work virtually, staring at the screen for hours can even invite multiple health constraints, and there were times when people worked without breaks, so these minor issues managed to add stress.
It did not go down well with the younger generation, since being confined to homes aggravated worrisome behavior in some kids, uncanny addictions grew while youth were also subjected to abuse at home. Because of the ill environment at home, children did not get a chance to interact in online lectures as they would in physical space. Major forms of communication for important and unimportant purposes became online! There’s no doubt about that! We became attached to our mobile devices like twin sisters without mobile phones. We now feel super alienated! Pandemic doubled our usage of digital devices at home, kitchen, bathroom, and even during lectures or work! If pandemics hadn’t occurred, there would have been minimal chances of increasing dependence on cell phones. They acted like our best friends and accompanied us in nearly every nook and corner of our house.
The Endless Battle, Final Verdict
In these fearful times, all we can hope is that post-pandemic forces us to rise and shine!
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