What Is The Devastating Impact Of Climate Change On Nature?

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What Is The Devastating Impact Of Climate Change On Nature?
31 Jul 2021
7 min read

Blog Post

It’s time to take action against dehumanising the planet, nature and climate has co-related impacts that many are not really aware of. #ThinkWithNiche.

We all are aware of devastating impacts that climate change crafts upon nature and all living beings for that matter. Since, research officials and various government organizations are studying major shifts in climate closely, it’s time we reflect upon our actions. This is a recent drafted report implemented by IPCC and dwelling deep upon climate change impacts on nature. 

We need to stress climate change just like other relevant issues. It simply means the durable developments surrounding temperatures alongside various other changes occurring in the environment. Around us, we can view the palpable impacts of climate which has now become nothing but a catastrophic wave. Over the past few decades, we have seen a string of disasters claiming human lives, floods, earthquakes, hail storms, etc and only with time aggravating it’s effects. Of course, the blame goes to human beings for exploiting natural environment to a certain extent. Due to cutting down the trees, eliminating mast of grasslands for commercial purposes, filtering oceans with usable plastic and so on. The temperatures have been rapidly increasing, worst than the previous times.  

IPCC full form ‘ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’ involves a bunch of experienced researches and scientists who have been anointed by the government bodies around the globe whose extensive study involves a surge in earth’s heatwaves unnaturally caused by human beings. 

Here we provide extensive analysis of various elements of the earth.


Rates of extinction happen to be 10,000 times more than the period of ‘age of man’ also deemed as Anthropocene. 

Sea And Land Species 

It is sad that nearly 54% of the sea along with land organisms and species have been threatened with extinction, though the numbers could surge any moment, with heat waves warming up to 20 to 30 degrees.  

Fish In Freshwater 

This information will leave you in splits at the time we reach 2075, drastic changes in climate could cut down local biodiversity. 


Everyone loves turtles but unfortunately, due to the rise in sea levels, it is forecasted that around 59% of green turtles will be lost. 


With the warming of 20, 36 to 67 carbon tonnes would be released taking count of permafrost down to 155 

Such consequences will impinge upon terrestrial, coastal systems, ocean, freshwater, etc.  


Speaking of oceans, it is forecasted that the world's 70 to 90% coral reefs will disappear out of the blue with warming to 1.50 degrees. 


Coral reefs: At 1.50 C warming, 70-90% of the world’s coral reefs are forecasted to die.

Last Words

It is quite devastating to know our earth will die because of our heedlessness.

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