Google Accidentally Sent A Quarter Of A Million Dollars To A Blogger 

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Google Accidentally Sent A Quarter Of A Million Dollars To A Blogger 
19 Sep 2022
min read

News Synopsis

Google accidentally sent a quarter of a million dollars paid to a blogger and security engineer, who claims he waited nearly a month for a response from the company. On Wednesday, Sam Curry tweeted that the tech giant had "randomly" transferred him $249,999, along with a screenshot.

"It's OK if you don't want it back," Curry said in the tweet, adding that it had been more than three weeks since he received the money and that when he contacted Google, he was given a support ticket.

Curry claimed he did not spend the money and instead saved it for when the company demanded it. He may need to transfer the money to another account to avoid paying taxes on it, he told a news agency. The security engineer, who is paid to look for vulnerabilities in companies' software, told the agency, that he does "bug bounty hunting" for companies such as Google.

However, he saw no link between his work for Google and the transfer. As of Thursday, he still had the money.

"Our team recently made a payment to the wrong party as the result of "human error,"  a Google spokesperson told a news agency in a statement.  "We appreciate that it was quickly communicated to us by the impacted partner, and we are working to correct it." Google's spokesperson also told the news agency that the money would be returned.

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