The UK Develops New Tracking App Especially For Women

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The UK Develops New Tracking App Especially For Women
12 Oct 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

Two women were slain right outside their homes in London. This atrocity caused nationwide outrage and the topic of women's safety resurfaced amongst the locals. Amidst this, a phone company proposed a new idea to develop an app that will track a woman's journey and inform her emergency contacts if she doesn't reach her destination in time.

The app called 'Walk me Home' would track a woman once she activates the app on her phone. The company's proposal was liked by a top British government official who will now be backing the project. But the question that arises from this is whether the burden of safety of woman should be put on just one gender? Won't men, who are the culprits of violence and misogyny against women, should be taught and regulated instead? The app confirms the popular notion that if a woman is assaulted; it is probably her fault. The app does come from a good intention but the larger message seems to be the same. At the end, it is women who have to take measures to protect themselves while the men roam around freely. The app can save lives of woman who found themselves in trouble but it is not a long-term solution to a century old problem.

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