Which Books Are Recommended For New Age Entrepreneurs?

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Which Books Are Recommended For New Age Entrepreneurs?
07 Feb 2022
5 min read

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New-age entrepreneurs should read the books recommended in this article. They will help you learn the basics of business, what new-age entrepreneurs need to know to become more successful, and much more. #TWN

If you're an entrepreneur who's just starting your career, then the overwhelming choices can be very difficult to decide which books are best for you. There are so many different techniques, schools of thought, and areas of focus that it can be hard to choose where to start.

But don't worry, because we've made a list of some recommended books for new-age entrepreneurs and entrepreneur wannabes. These aren't necessarily the most popular books on entrepreneurship, but they're all great reads for anyone at any stage of their entrepreneurial journey! Check out our list below and see what interests you.

Books Recommended for New-age Entrepreneurs

#1 - The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

It is one of the most popular books for entrepreneurs. It's a great read for new-age entrepreneurs who are looking to make their way. The book focuses on strategies that Tim Ferriss has used to optimize his life and work, and it includes some really interesting interviews with other entrepreneurs too!

#2 - Getting Things Done by David Allen

It is another great read for anyone interested in improving their organizational skills. It might sound like a hefty read, but there are lots of helpful techniques to be found as well as proven methods that can help you streamline your day-to-day life.

#3 - Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

This book is all about the science behind success and how hard work doesn't always lead to success. Malcolm Gladwell explains how our surroundings play an important role in the success we experience and he backs up these claims with research from other fields, such as literature or law.

Related: 5 Powerful Books For A Successful Mindset

#4 - The Four Steps to Epiphany by Steve Blank

It is a great read for anyone interested in start-up technologies or business development models. Steve Blank shares his story about how he managed to get into business school with no money and what he did before that point that led him down the path towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Best Business Books for New-age Entrepreneurs

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

This book by Timothy Ferriss is all about how to work smarter and not harder. The author argues that you should be able to live a life of freedom while still maintaining a full-time job. There are many different tips in this book like how to automate your day so you can free up time for more important, exciting things in life. He also includes advice on how to find your passion and have a happy life. This is an incredibly popular book that has changed the way people think about their jobs and personal lives.

Which Authors are good for New-age Entrepreneurs?

Some of the authors below are not new-age entrepreneurs, but they are great reads for anyone who is looking to start their own business or anyone who is experiencing a shift in their career.

  • Entrepreneur's Guide to Business and Investment Law: How to Navigate the Legal Minefield
  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Mastering Your Mission, Maximizing Your Success
  • Breaking the 9-5 Cycle: The Career Guide for Entrepreneurs Who Want More Freedom
  • Startup Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle
  • The Art of War (Sun Tzu)

Related: Books That Every Aspiring Businessperson Should Read

Why should you read these books?

There are many reasons why you should read these books, such as for inspiration and getting a better understanding of entrepreneurship. There's a lot of wisdom to be found in these pages, and you'll learn valuable lessons from each book. Some other reasons why you should read these books are that they're written by entrepreneurs who have successfully navigated the treacherous waters of entrepreneurship. Their stories and experiences can help guide you on your way to success.


Books are the best way to learn and gain knowledge, and they’re also one of the best investments you can make. When you’re just starting your career, it’s important to read books that will provide you with guidance and advice for your business. Many books are recommended for new-age entrepreneurs, but these books will give you the best help. They’ll teach you how to start a business from scratch and understand the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship. You’ll also be able to find out what it takes to be successful so that when you start your own business, you won’t waste time.

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