Person In USA Unjustifiably Imprisoned For 26 Years

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Person In USA Unjustifiably Imprisoned For 26 Years
13 Nov 2021
4 min read

News Synopsis

In Year 1995 A person named Dontae Sharpe was imprisoned unjustifiably for 26 years. He was mistakenly convicted for the first-degree murder of 33 years old George Radcliff at this time Mr. Sharpe was only 19 years old.

 The state-run administration's argument against Sharpe depended to some degree on a declaration from a 15-year-old young lady at the time who asserted that she saw Sharpe kill Radcliffe yet later abjured and said she wasn't present at the time of the shooting. She later said her cases were made up, in light of what agents or investigators told her.

Mr. Sharpe is pardoned now and can even apply for compensation of up to $ 750,000 for his unjustifiable convection. 

TWN Special