Now You Will Be Able To Edit Tweets on Twitter
News Synopsis
You can soon get the Tweet Edit Button on the famous social networking platform Twitter. This means that Twitter users can also edit tweets using this feature (Edit Tweet feature). While this feature of Twitter is currently in testing mode, Twitter may release this tweet edit feature for Blue subscribers by next month. It is worth noting that this feature will work like the edit post feature of Facebook, in which the tweet can be improved even after posting.
At the same time, you may have to pay money for these features. According to Twitter's blog post, in this feature, users will be given the facility to edit the tweet for the first 30 minutes only. Users will not be able to edit their tweets after 30 minutes. According to Twitter, after editing, the tweet will appear as an icon, in which other users can get information that the original tweet has been modified. Apart from this, other users will also be able to see the editing time of the tweet.
Twitter said that at the moment we are testing it, as well as we are also checking how users can misuse these features. This feature will be first released to Blue subscribers in the next month. It is also being said about the features that you may have to pay money for this. At present, users in America have to pay $ 4.99 (about Rs 400) per month for the Edit Tweet feature.
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