Nigeria Bans Bushmeat

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Nigeria Bans Bushmeat
04 Jun 2022
5 min read

News Synopsis

As a precaution against the spread of Monkeypox, the Nigerian government has prohibited the selling of bushmeat. Six cases were discovered in the country this month, increasing the total number of confirmed infections this year to 21, according to authorities.

According to experts, eating meat from an infected animal could expose you to the virus. However, this is not the most typical mode of transmission. Monkeypox is a common viral illness in Nigeria. It is mainly found in remote locations near tropical rainforests.

Since an outbreak in 2017, the country has had intermittent instances. The virus was discovered primarily in the country's south, but it has since expanded to the country's central, eastern, and northern regions, according to the World Health Organization.

There has been one recorded death of a person with underlying problems among the 21 confirmed cases this year. However, health officials stated earlier this week that "there has been no evidence of any new or atypical transmission of the virus, nor alterations in its clinical manifestation noted."

Scientists are baffled as to why there has been an increase in Monkeypox cases in Europe that has not been related to travel to African nations where it is widespread. However, there are indications that the virus has been moving from person to person unnoticed for some years.

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