India Ranked the Fourth Most Powerful Country in Asia

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India Ranked the Fourth Most Powerful Country in Asia
14 Dec 2021
4 min read

News Synopsis

In the latest ranking released by the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index 2021, India got fourth place in the list of most powerful countries in Asia. The ranking takes place on the basis of resources and influence of a country, in which India saw a fall of two points as compared to the last year. 

India was ranked fourth place in other measures including economic capability, military capability, resilience and cultural influence. The country received 7th place in defence networks and fell down to 8th position in economic relationships.

The report mentioned how the developing economies like India have faced a hard time if compared to the pre covid growth.  USA, China, Japan, India, Russia, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand are the top 10 countries for overall power in Asia-Pacific.

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