Social Change – What Is It and How It Influences Society

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The year 2022 and many changes can already be seen. Many of these were non-existent in past decades, but today you can feel their presence in your life. You might ask yourself the reason for this change, and you may or may not get the answer. To solve this dilemma, we are here to tell you everything about this flow in our society. The flow we call social change. #TWN
What was not relevant in the 90s era is the center of attention in the decade. The year 2022 and many changes can already be seen. Many of these were non-existent in past decades, but today you can feel their presence in your life. You might ask yourself the reason for this change, and you may or may not get the answer. To solve this dilemma, we are here to tell you everything about this flow in our society. The flow we call social change. We will go through the basic aspects of it and how its existence is changing the way we live nowadays. Social change is something we don’t see but feel with time as it starts taking turns on us. Without any further ado, let’s study social change and the changes it has caused in us.
What do I mean by social change?
Our society is built upon certain fundamentals or pillars. These pillars are social structure, cultures & traditions, social values, cultural norms, to name a few. The way a person conducts oneself in this society is also a major factor that plays a part in this phenomenon. The alteration or gradual change that occurs in these mentioned pillars of society is called social change. Still confused? Don’t worry, you will understand on the way.
Now, when any type of social change occurs, the socialization process also changes itself accordingly. Any individual who is a very active member of society tends to be the most affected person and a new target for this social change. The active member is the reason for a social change, and he is the one who gets influenced by the changes that have occurred due to his actions.
In a society, every member faces some kind of social change in a few years. It doesn’t matter where a person is present geographically. He will be seeing social changes around him all the time. What was socially acceptable 10-20 years ago is not in context these days at all. Social change is bound to happen, and no such thing can constantly go for several decades can go on without the change.
In a given period, people in the society in that particular time follow a certain set of rules and regulations, values, beliefs, customs, and every single individual has to manage it all by himself while guiding. In colonial times, people had a very different set of rules, customs, and many other things. Those things were different than what we have right now.
Social change – Examples
Society has seen many social movements in the past few decades. Some movements were non-existent before that. If you look for examples for social change, you will be overwhelmed to see countless examples. We have listed some of the most important examples that you might have heard of somewhere. All these are the result of social change.
- Fight for Civil Rights
- Transatlantic slave trade abolition
- The Reformation
- The feminist movement
- LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
- Green Movement
How social change influences us as a society?
- It made people recognize the importance and need for gender equality.
- It made us improve the rights of our worker force.
- It brought good days for the LGBTQ+ community.
- Social change is a proven key point for the growth of the business.
- The Environment is benefitted from social change.
- It helps us in keeping the government accountable.
- It helps us understand the root cause of a problem.
- It empowers the citizens.
- It assures a better life for the coming generations.
These are some of the key points that show us that social change is a driving force that keeps society in a dynamic phase by exposing every individual to a change. Social change isn’t a fast-paced change that happens instantaneously. It progresses at a very slow pace so that everyone can get accustomed to it. Now that you about social change and how it influences us on an individual level, try noticing the change that’s happening around you, and it will give you an upper hand in life.
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