Upcoming Marvel Movies That Will Quench Your Thrill-thirst!

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Upcoming Marvel Movies That Will Quench Your Thrill-thirst!
25 Mar 2022
9 min read

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If you are a fan of superhero movies, it's impossible that you haven't seen any marvel movie. Marvel has probably the biggest fan base in the movie world, this was proved by the earnings of Endgame. Being a Marvel fan myself, I think it is my duty to make each and every Marvel fan aware of the upcoming movies from the Marvel side. Hence, here is a list of every upcoming movie that has been officially announced by the Marvel studios. #TWN

Why did the chicken cross the road? Well, who cares? The only thing that you care about is the list of all upcoming marvel movies and their release date, and even I want to share every bit of information that I am aware of about the MCU Phase 4 movies. Most of you reading this blog will be in your early 20s and should be worrying much about your upcoming college exams or your jobs but look who decided to show up to read my article; I am just kidding, please don’t quit reading my blogs, you guys are my bread & butter. Some of these new marvel movies will be released in 2022, but some of the movies even have their release schedule in 2024 end. Don’t be disappointed, my friend! There is an age-old saying, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” So be patient and enjoy the process, but if you want to get an idea about the plots of these movies, you can always read the comics on which these movies are based, and if you don’t want to go through soo many comics, you can always read my blogs for the brief explanations of the movies (#Self endorsement). Ok, enough talk! I won’t make you wait like the MCU and will jump right into the purpose of this blog. So, here is a list of every movie that MCU (I beg your pardon! MCU is now MCM i.e., Marvel Cinematic Multiverse) has announced till far, that is going to be the part of their Phase 4. This list is only going to include every movie announced by the studious, and will not include any of the movies that are just rumored.

1.) Dr. Strange: Madness Of Multiverse

The Multiverse was officially introduced to us with Spiderman- No Way home, but this movie will properly explain the multiverse and the possibilities it will bring along with it. The madness of Multiverse is probably the most awaited movie of Marvel, and there is a good reason behind it, Dr. Strange was the person who actually opened the door for the different universes to combine with the prime universe, it was his spell that caused so much chaos in the Spiderman movie, but we marvel fans don’t want him to clean up this mess, in fact, we want him to create more chaos, cause who likes normal? (Let’s accept it guys; the hunger for thrill and adventures has made us selfish. We don’t care how messed up our heroes life are; all we care about is our entertainment.) After the release of this movie's trailer, many questions have arisen in the mind of fans, but the question that is giving every fan sleepless nights is, who will be the villain of this movie? Some are assuming that it would be Wanda (I wish from the bottom of my heart that she is not the villain), and some are assuming that the villain would be some other variant of our Dr. Strange. If we were to believe fan theories, we can even see the introduction of the superior Iron Man which is rumored to be played by Tom Cruise. But whatever may be the case, one is sure to happen, a lot of magic and a lot of action. This movie will release on May 6, 2022.

2.) Thor Love and Thunder

Marvel disappointed us way too much when they weakened our God of Thunder after the Infinity Wars. We all love the Thor with big muscles, not the thor with a big belly. Even he was shown as a drunkard and mentally unstable. Thor was almost unrecognizable in the Endgame, and this is the reason why we fans are desperately waiting for the movie Thor Love and Thunder, as it is predicted that we will witness the return of our old Thor. One more reason for the hike of this movie is the villain, Gorr The God Butcher. As clear by his name, this character destroys God, and in the comics, he was even successful in making Thor unworthy. It is rumored that Christian Bale would be playing the character of Gorr, which makes the introduction of this character even more special. I have a lot of expectations from this movie, and I hope that we will even witness the return of Loki in the movies. The release date of this movie is July 8, 2022, and marvel we beg you to please provide us with the trailer.

3.) Blackpanther: Wakanda Forever

Everyone was shocked when the news of Chadwick Boseman’s death was out, Everything was replanned from casting and production eventually caused the movie delay of 2 months. But despite these hardships Black Panther- Wakanda Forever is bound to release on November 11, 2022. It has not been confirmed by Marvel, but I think we will see Chadwick Boseman, again in the main lead, and how Marvel will execute this plan will be quite interesting to watch.

4.) The Marvels

This movie sequel of the movie Captain Marvel which unfortunately is considered as one of the worst products of MCU but, that movie’s sole purpose was to introduce the Captain Marvel character to us also known as an origin movie, but still, we expected much more from that movie as it was introducing the most overpowered character of the Marvel Universe. Anyways, we are not here to criticize, we are here to discuss the upcoming projects of Marvel Cinema, so here is another movie that will release on February 17, 2023. Not many details about this movie are out yet, but we all know that Captain Marvel is the protector of the entire universe, and whenever there is any problem in the universe, she makes it her duty to solve that issue. But thanks to Dr. Strange, now she has to look after the whole multiverse. In this movie, we may expect to see her fight on some other planet from some other threat, but nothing is confirmed yet. Maybe, we will witness her fighting against some multiversal threat on the main universe itself. Whatever may be the case let’s hope this movie is better than the last one.

5.) Antman and Wasp: Quantumania

Scott's life cannot be normal; in the first Antman, we saw him getting a divorce, going to jail, and struggling to survive. In Antman-2, we saw him fighting against Ghost, and when he finally managed to defeat her, he was trapped inside the quantum realm, but fortunately, he managed to escape the realm because of a mouse (that was just lazy writing) and defeated Thanos, finally, there was peace in his life, but not for long, this time the problem is bigger than ever, this time the name of the problem is “Kang- The Conqueror,” one of the most powerful beings of the Marvel Universe, we saw him in the Loki series by the name “He Who Remains,” we saw him controlling the multiverse, which gives us an idea of his powers. This film can be the continuation of the Loki series, and we may even see the appearance of Loki and Silvie, dam now that’s something interesting.

6.) Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3

On May 5, 2023, we will witness the release of the third part of the Guardians of The Galaxy. Everyone is waiting to see the guardians once again, but the thing that we all are most hyped up about is the villain of this movie “High Evolutionary.” Don’t worry; I will not leave you hanging. I’ll give you a brief introduction of this character so that you don’t have to go doing any further research to gain knowledge about this character (another way to make you stick till the end of this blog, LOL). So High Evolutionary was once just a mortal man like me and you, known as Herbert Wyndham, but his desire and hunger to evolve the human potential motivated him to create a device called a Genetic accelerator, which he used upon himself and transformed himself on the genetic level, to gain unimaginable power.

We might also get to see the origin story of our beloved Rocket. Finally, we will know from where does that talkative, stubborn, and a mad raccoon came from, (Between me and you, he would be a simple raccoon with a very dark past, and his abilities would be the result of a science experiment. Typical Marvel).    

7.) Fantastic 4

Marvel has pledged to revive Fantastic 4, after the utter failure of the Fantastic Four 2015 edition, marvel has still decided not to give up upon this project, and hence, Marvel has officially announced the release of fantastic four, but the release date has not been confirmed yet from the Marvels side, but if you ask my prediction, we might get to see the release most probably by the starting of 2024. Let’s see how Marvel is going to revive this series after the hatred it received in 2015. With the release of this movie, we might see the introduction of Galactus in his true form, but for now, let’s move on to the next movie. 

8.) Blade

The Blade was the first superhero that appeared in the Marvel movies and was the first childhood superhero of every 90’s kid, marvel has decided to bring back its oldest movie character in the MCU. Although Blade was officially announced by Marvel, there is no update about its release date. This movie will open up a whole new category of Vampires and monsters and will introduce us to the dark side of Marvel and we see creatures we never want to bump into especially during the night. Not much information is available about this movie, but we can expect it to release by the mid of 2023.

9.) Captain America 4

Remember when Tom Holland made a joke about falcon not having any solo movie of his own, well guess what, he now has a solo movie but has a totally different brand name. If you watched the series Falcon and The Winter Soldier and do not require to tell you, how falcon became the new Captain America and for those who haven't watched the show, here’s a brief explanation, when in the movie Endgame, Captain America went back to place all the stones in their original places, he even made to sure to live that normal life he never got a chance to live. When he returned, he was old and hence he passed on his shield to the Falcon. Falcon then partnered with Winter Soldier and eventually became was given the Title of new Captain America by the Government, (I know the explanation was not enough, but to know everything in detail, please refer to the series). For this movie too, Marvel has not provided us with any release date but I assume it will be out by the February of 2024.

10.) Deadpool 3

The king of dark humor is back, sorry will be back quite soon (actually, it will take him around a year and a half to return), and again it’s going to be an R rated movie, but this time, this R will be much more dark and brutal, we will get more of that humor as well as a lot of blood, brutality, and fatality. We have no idea who is going to be the villain of this movie or what is going to be its plot, but we still have high hopes for this movie because we trust in Ryan Reynolds and his comic timing. This movie can serve as the introduction to the X-Men series, and hopefully, we will get to see new X-men movies again in the future. Personally, I am waiting for the day when Wolverine will be the part of the Avengers, and Deadpool becoming the part of the avengers can be the first step towards that day. Can you imagine Deadpool working alongside avengers; how hilarious and cool it would be at the same time? We expect this movie to release by the end of 2023 or by the beginning of 2024.

Fun Marvel Facts

Don’t leave yet, let’s conclude this meeting with some fun facts about marvel:-

  • Iron Man’s character is highly inspired by the life of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and he has also given a cameo in the movie Iron Man 2.

  • Captain America had a cameo in the Incredible Hulk: Remember the scene when Bruce tried to kill himself with a gun and Hulk destroys an ice cliff. If you look close enough, you can even spot cap with his shield frozen in ice.

  • Chris Pratt lost around 60 pounds for the role of star lord.

  • Deadpool was originally introduced just as a spoof of the DC character death-stroke, but eventually became so popular that he outpassed the popularity of the original character Death Stroke.

  • Men in black are also part of Marvel: Well, Marvel bought the rights of Men in black in the year 1994, and since then every movie, game, and series is all produced by Marvel.

  • Captain America and Black Widow are of the same age.

  • Wolverine was actually introduced as the villain of the Incredible Hulk comic.

  • In the comics once, Deadpool killed every character of Marvel and even killed the creators and Stan-lee.

  • Area 51 is owned by Tony Stark in the comics.

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