UAE Open Its Borders To Around 15 Countries Expect Good Business At The Expo 2020

News Synopsis
As COVID-19 cases decline gradually all around the world, many countries are looking to open their borders for tourists. Now whether this is a good idea or not, we cannot say at this point. If we remember the pre-second wave period, the circumstances are eerily similar to what they are now. Since cases are low and the spread of the virus seems contained, people have begun planning a trip to have a good time after spending a whole damn year inside their houses.
Many research reveals that vaccination cannot protect us completely from the spread of the virus. Now looking at the news with this perspective in hand, things become muddy. But from an economic point of view, this is quite good news since countries need a huge push to restore their economy. The Expo 2020 will surely be acting as a blessing for the UAE economy. If things go right, the event will take place in the first week of October. Many small business owners and entrepreneurs are eagerly waiting for this event to recover their losses.