The Secrets Of A Successful Rebrand

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The Secrets Of A Successful Rebrand
31 Jul 2021
7 min read

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For any brand's growth, loud and effective branding is crucial. Many statistics have also proven that most shopaholics make purchases depending on the brand name and brand label. In simpler terms, an outdated brand image will probably turn your brand image stale. Through this blog, we will take you to the secrets of a successful re-brand.#ThinkWithNiche.

Numerous businesses on the block are rebranding their already established brands. But there are some rules in order to follow a successful re-brand. Since there is always "hope" in starting afresh, you are never too late to re-brand and give a new life to your old business. If you feel that your brand needs more growth, then this is the perfect place for you. And rebranding is the right answer.

In case you decide to bend down that road, you must ask yourself a couple of questions. Depending on your answer, you can adjust the strategies that fit your brand. Not every strategy is suitable for your brand, so you need to pay more attention to your strategy that suits your brand. For any brand's growth, loud and effective branding is crucial. The statistics have also proven that most shopaholics make purchases depending on the brand name and brand label. In simpler terms, an outdated strategy will probably turn your brand image stale.

Why Rebranding Is Relevant

Rebranding is always the best option to save your brand from dying. It eases your brand to start afresh and keeps it current and edgy. It's like the Apple iPhone's iOS version keeps on getting updated every year.

Why Re-Brand a Business

Some internal to external elements may demand a re-brand of a business.

Company’s New Positioning

Reflecting upon the company's new position should be looked at. For instance, companies work just like human beings. It keeps rolling and changing over time, a brand's new image/redesigning becomes crucial in this step.

Variety Of Situations Held Accountable

With the changing times, the company has evolved and grown. It has adjusted itself to various market trends, change in the shift, product trends, etc.

Example:  Infusion soft re-brand success story.  Its parent company shifted to Keep in order to expand into a new market. You can see the change in the brand image below.

Here Are Some Types of Rebranding

While rebranding often takes a giant faith of leap into shapes and forms, rebranding also depends on the scale and scope that are followed by some reasons for the latter.

The Visual World

Rebranding depends wholly and solely on some great logo redesigning, a change in font styles, or bringing something fresh and new to the table. Brushing up a well-established brand or taking the logo by storm in the world of digital media may need more than just a change in the visual identity.

Rename and Visual

Most crucially rebranding surrounds changing the brand name and the visual identity of that company. A lot of businesses in the past have successfully rebranded by taking more appealing renaming and visualizing sections of that brand.

Now when everything is in place, business reforms, a brand's redesign goes beyond the core of its skin and normalcy. Rebranding is often looked at and formed at the core of the business. Its vision, mission, and values and beams to its external pronouncements.

Listen To The Public

The internal environment is the foundation and the reason behind taking the rebranding task seriously. Your rebranding project will shine once you start having customer feedback often. The greatest example is when McDonald's transformed from America’s destination for a quick family meal to the Super-Size Meal feature, suddenly it became more successful amongst all the sects of people.

The majority of consumers' age of greasy beef was lost, and the outlet shifted to a dramatic re-brand. Later, they started incorporating salads, healthy snacks, and premium coffee options for their upgraded menu. McDonald's took customer feedback seriously and worked upon their customer needs and aspirations vigorously. The company responded to the public in the most effective method. As a result, the brand boosted sales.

True To Your Core Values

Stay true to your core values and don't forget the foundation that builds the company. And in return, you must be able to transform the core values into stronger points. One example is Refinery29's, the makers went back to basics in order to sustain their brand from dying. The core values of a brand define the real flavor of a brand.

Key Ingredients/Secrets of a Successful Re-brand

While there is plenty of learning in the room for your new business or already-existing business, you can learn from the experiences of companies that have successfully rebranded.

There are some key ingredients and secrets in order to achieve your brand's rebranding to another level.

Do It For All The Right Reasons

There are some risks that you will face in the process of rebranding, so you should do it for all the right reasons. Starting afresh again might not always be good and the only reason to re-brand.

Example: Zara's new logo that gave shape in 2019 has brought out the worst critics so far. The brand out of the blue thought of redesigning its brand logo and instead received a lot of backlash for the same. In fact, a lot of people on Twitter raised several eyebrows at Zara's new logo. According to Jon Simpson, member of the Forbes Agency Council and owner of Criterion. B. "Low sales cycles, poor brand awareness, and dismal marketing results will only get worse with rebranding"


Research is the best way to save your brand from getting dumped by the audience. Conduct research and go deeper to survive a rebranding debacle. Do evaluate all the brand assets before deciding. Ask yourself all the 5WH's and make sure you have all the complete knowledge about your competitors. 

Get Talking

Involve stakeholders and considerate people throughout and till the launch of the rebranding process. Participate in collaborations, and all forms of communication to ensure the best result.


implementing into the rebranding requires at least 20 times the budget of the conceptualization. Allocate your resources well. Put all your energy into the implementation of rebranding.

Go Deep

Brand expert Modus says “There is often a tendency to miss opportunities for real innovation and advancement." He further adds, “If you must, ask others to help reveal your blind spots. This prepares you to evolve and maintain relevance even as things change, which they inevitably do sooner or later.”

Good results don’t always arrive soon, you need to be patient about certain things and see for yourself. Note down customer feedback and make sure that you follow them from the start. Rebranding results often yield fruitful results and sustain a good brand image for the long run. Keep track of your brand’s growth every hour of the day. 

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