Rise Of Women Leaders In IT Firms

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Rise Of Women Leaders In IT Firms
21 Oct 2021
8 min read

News Synopsis

It is true that women's participation in the workforce has seen a significant decline since the onset of the pandemic, in general, the number of women hired has increased in organizations that give proper relevance to diversity and inclusion. A diversity, equality, and inclusion consultancy firm Avtar Group released their Most Inclusive Companies Index report on Wednesday and the trends suggest an uptick of women leaders in roles across the corporate world, with women held key positions rising from 15% to 17% in one year. In all 17%, director reporters to CEO are women, a 2% shift from last year. The IT and ITeS sector comprises 18% women leaders compared to 14% in 2020 and the FMGC sector has gained 4% women leaders as compared to last year’s 15%. The manufacturing sector has observed a rise of 9% from last year’s 5%. 

Some 340 companies took part in the survey and some 100 best companies have been compiled to create a report, there is a list rather than a ranking of an organization or company, on the basis of DEI parameters, out of the 100 top companies, 75% were MNCs and 25% were Indian. Reports suggest that participation of women has increased 34.5% in the top 100 best companies, while in the top 10 best companies, women leaders stood at a rise of 40%. 

At Think With Niche, we are elated with this news and it brings us great joy in acknowledging the fact that women are leading in the workspace and that the future seems extremely promising for the economy. 


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