Open doors of fortune – Become freelance developer

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Open doors of fortune – Become freelance developer
05 Jan 2022
7 min read

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Entering the digital world, we need developers to boost the business post-pandemic. Freelance developers are the way to go in this work-from-home situation getting popular day by day. This blog will help you kickstart your freelancing journey if you are a developer. Let’s get on with it and get to our goals together! #ThinkWithNiche

After a long evolution in decades, humanity has almost entered the digital era and will most likely stay in it for as long as there is life on earth. Technology has been flowing in our blood now. Being the young generation, we have been inclined towards technological development since our childhood days. This zeal to dive into the digital world is what propels our future decision. Today science students crave to make their presence known in a techno world. Maximum students go for the computer science field to earn and learn. Today developers are in demand and are needed in every field you can imagine. In this article, you will know about developers and freelancing. You will get an insight into the freelance developing community. In 2022, how relevant freelance developers are, let’s find out!

The new year surely has something under the sleeves for the young generation to deliver some amazing technological miracle. Some would join a multinational IT tech firm or any computer-based company, and some will explore the freelancing field. A 9 to 5 job is very commonly known, but we’ll talk about the freelance part of developers. We’ll know how this field works and how relevant it is in 2022.

Talking about freelancing, you must be clear about the term. Freelancing means working for clients but on your terms. It means you work for yourself and don’t have a boss to answer to. Freelancing has its perks. You can devote yourself to other things by allotting time to your freelance work. What I mean by this is, you are in charge of when you want to work. There is no 9 to 5 working scenario. You can work in the early morning and sleep off the whole day or burn the midnight oil and work on yourself during the day. Many students gravitate towards freelancing, thinking it is an easy and comfortable way to be a successful person from the comfort of your home. It is a false assumption, and you should be aware. Freelancing means you have to provide your clients with a perfect piece of the work they asked for. You cannot be casual about it, or else freelancing will be a battle for you that you won’t win.

Now that you know what freelancing is. Let’s dive into the realm of freelancing developers and see how it is to be a freelance developer. Now, there are multiple reasons to explore the freelancing field. It gives you independence, flexible work timings, and earnings are off the roof. In India, freelancing is very popular. India has around 15 million freelancers and stands in second place after the US. Among these 15 million freelancers, 60% are under the 30 years age bracket. Now that is what you call a young generation taking the lead. Freelance developers take their work, either part-time or pursue it as a full-time job. 

Getting started with Freelance Developers

Developers thrive in many areas. Be sure in which field you want to work. 

  • There are web developers, iOS app developers, android developers, and many more. It is up to you which field you want to pursue as a developer. After choosing your desired freelance development field, you need to acquire the knowledge that can get you to work in the future. From college times, freelancers work in the field they are studying. Make sure what you learn you can apply to your projects. As you choose the domain you want to work in, gather information about that domain before getting into it. Even if you are well versed in the field you have chosen, learn as much as you can to woo the client and build a strong connection for the future. To learn more about any development field, you can go through some classes and tutorials to replenish your pool of knowledge. Develop the skill set required in your domain. For example, if your area of interest is developing android applications, learn Java or Kotlin to stay in the game. Just like this, every field will need you to have some skills.
  • Now that you have learned the required skills, put them to work and make some amazing little projects that you can put in your portfolio to attract the client. A client won’t come just by your words. You have to show him why you are the best at what you do. For example, if you have learned about android development, make some small android apps that you can show to your clients. It will help you build your clientele. After you have made some projects, register yourself on some freelancing sites. FiverrUpwork, and Freelancer are some great platforms, to begin with.
  • It is always recommended to start small. It means taking projects that can be done with ease and moving up gradually. It will build a positive rapport in the community. Soon you will be able to make your website from the earnings and make yourself a full-time businessman. After building a brand, you won’t consider working a 9 to 5 job.
  • There are two things to consider when you are on the way to becoming a full-fledged freelance developer. First, always know who your potential clients are. If you are still on Fiverr or Upwork, scan through the projects that are up for hire. If you have a website of your own, then build the network to know from where to get the project.

The second point to consider is setting your rate. How much you charge for the project depends on multiple factors. You have to charge the same as others are charging for the same project. Little more or less is acceptable, but large differences won’t help. So be mindful of the rates concerning the geographical area. You can charge on an hourly basis or per-project basis that depends on you. The only point is to be fair to your client if you want to go a long way.

The most important thing you can do as a freelancer is to build brand value. For this, you have to start small and then steadily grow the value. You can do this by:

  • Be available on every site that can be used for freelance development and make your website SEO-friendly.
  • Build your network. Connect with other developers and ask them about their projects and rates. You might get some valuable information that can be used to make your brand grow.
  • Be fair when you charge for a project.
  • Keep learning and stay updated with new trends and technology that is being introduced in your genre.
  • After you deliver the project, make sure to take detailed feedback. It will help you restructure your next project and make amends for the next one.

Freelance development can be tedious, but the bread & butter you earn is worth all that hard work you put in. With that being said, happy freelancing!

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