No Rainfall Makes Agriculture in Odisha Grim, Government Looking To Avoid A Drought

News Synopsis
The agriculture sector in India has been facing huge problems since forever. There is always news about farmers committing suicide due to debts, spoiled crops, and countless other reasons. One of the reasons behind spoiled crops is the low rainfall and drought. This news from Odisha is no different. Since the water canal of the region is not equipped to reach every village, countless farmers depend on rainfall for their crops. This year too, the weather broadcasting reports suggested that late August would be the period when the monsoon will hit the region. But, the reports have been defied as no signs of rainfall appear to be there.
Now, this poses a great threat to the livelihood of many farmers who spend all their time and resources in anticipation of the cultivation period. Many farmers depend solely on this period for their annual income. Hence, no rainfall would make it impossible for them to grow crops. This is where the government intervention should take place as it is the responsibility of the government to avoid a situation that causes drought and crop loss anywhere in the country. The state government of Odisha has surely taken a few commendable steps but they are not enough. This is not a momentary relapse. This is a systematic failure. Every year it’s the same story over and over again. The state government as well as the central government should bring out proper schemes to help out farmers in case of no rainfall. In a country where rainfall is a decisive factor for agriculture, there should be some sort of procedure in place to help these deprived farmers.
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