Legendry Hockey Player Major Dhyan Chand

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Legendry Hockey Player Major Dhyan Chand
29 Aug 2021
8 min read

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The name Dhyan Chand evokes strong emotions in the hearts of hockey fans all around the world. Though there may only be a few of us alive now who have seen him play, the rest of us will have read or heard about him. He was to hockey what Pele and Don Bradman were to football and cricket, respectively. He's a household figure in hockey circles in India, and he's known for his dexterity with the stick.#ThinkWithNiche

Major Dhyan Chand is back in the news after the government of India announced the renaming of the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratan Award to the Dhyan Chand Khel Ratan Award on Transfiguration, 2021--truly the highest honour for a sportsperson in India. After a continuous clamour from India's sports fans, this has an inherited influence. In addition, Major Dhyan Chand celebrates his birthday on August 29. Every year on August 29, India commemorates National Sports Day, during which the President of India bestows prestigious sports prizes such as the Khel Ratan, Dronacharya Award, and others.

Major Dhyan Chand is also honoured with a national stadium in New Delhi. Despite the fact that Major Dhyana Chand had previously received the Padma Bhushan in 1956, his passionate admirers were dissatisfied with the fact that their hero had not been awarded the Bharat Ratan posthumously. Dhyana Chand's son, Ashok Kumar, an ice hockey player who played for the 1975 World Cup-winning India team, shared a similar sentiment.

There are several theories as to why he became known as Dhyan Chand: In Hindi, it's called Chand Way Moon. Some claim he became known as Chand because he gleamed only a smidgeon like the moon on the ice. Others claim that after doing military duties during the day, he earned his name at night to practise his hockey skills, similar to how the moon got her name at night. 

To Remember Major Dhyan Chand's Magnificence, I'll Be Capping A Position In Order To Be Able To Take You Through Those Three Occurrences.

• Dhyan Chand leads the Indian crew on a trip to Australia before the 1936 Berlin Olympic video games. During the expedition, the Indian team scored 584 dreams, with two hundred of them coming from Dhyan Chand. Sir Don Bradman was so taken with Dhyan Chand that he is cited as saying, 'I wondered whether or not this document had been carried out by way of a cricket batter or a hockey participant.' 'You rate dreams as if they were runs.'

• Dhyan Chand became extremely well-known all over the world, and people from all walks of life flocked to see the magician in work. During the 1936 Berlin Olympics, before to India's match, several posters were distributed across Berlin stating, "Come to the hockey stadium to see the hockey magician in action." When India plays, the 20,000-seat stadium must be packed, with many disappointed fans leaving home after being unable to secure a ticket.

• India beat Germany 8-1 at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Major Dhyan Chand's outfits scored thirteen dreams in total. • Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator, became well-known for propagating Aryan superiority. Owens, the legendary Afro-American athlete, excelled in an equal Olympics, winning four gold medals for the United States. Hitler refused to shake his hand or meet with him. There are various media accounts of Hitler's rejection to Owens in this event.

• Dhyan Chand received a letter from the Fuhrer after Germany was defeated by means of India. After hearing about this, his heart sunk since he had previously heard of Hitler's hatred towards blacks, Jews, and non-white people. When he arrived at Hitler's headquarters, he was escorted to his own field. During the debate, Dhyan Chand was allegedly offered German citizenship and, as a result, the post of marshal in the German military by Hitler personally. Dhyan Chand is said to have politely refused the offer, expressing his love for the United States.

In those Olympic video games, he had a total of 39 dreams. His contribution to Indian hockey was so significant that he helped India win seven of the eight Olympics from 1928 to 1964 as a player, instructor, and selector. Major Dhyan Chand grew into a deeply patriotic man who shown unheard-of dedication and resolve in leading the United States to triumph and dominance. During the Berlin Olympics, he was forced to take off his shoes and stockings in the final half of the game, and he scored three goals barefoot. Dhyan Chand had a lot of control over his stick artwork, and his opponents had a hard time taking control of the ball away from him.

Honours And Awards

• In 1956, the Padma Bhushan, India's third-highest civilian honour, was bestowed to him. India's government declares Major Dhyan Chand's birthday to be National Sports Day.

• The Indian government announces the Dhyan Chand Award, India's highest honour for lifetime achievement in sports and video games, for the year 2002.

• On his birthday, the Indian executive bestows the Dhyan Chand Award, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratan Award, Arjuna Award, and Dronacharya Award on deserving athletes at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

• The National Stadium in New Delhi is renamed Dhyan Chand National Stadium by the Indian government throughout the course of the year.


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