It’s Okay To Not Feel Okay: Successful Tips To Fight Depression!

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It’s Okay To Not Feel Okay:  Successful Tips To Fight Depression!
18 Aug 2021
8 min read

Blog Post

There are tons of medicines to cure your ill mental health but these successful tips to fight depression will not cost a fly. Here are 5 successful tips that will keep you away from distress feelings. We hope these bring a smile to your face.#ThinkWithNiche

Did you wake up in the morning feeling not so okay? During a pandemic, most of us were left with uneasy feelings. Some can’t tell why & how! Depression is palpable, we can’t see it, nor touch it but feel it taking control over us most often. Vulnerability is something weak people must be aware of. There are tons of medicines to cure your ill mental health but these successful tips to fight depression will not cost a fly. Here are 5 successful tips that will keep you away from distressing feelings.

1. Take Up A Hobby!

Since an empty mind is a devil’s workshop, taking up a hobby will ride you through many challenges and changes in life. For a healthy mind, “action” is very essential. You might start gaining back your worth that will in turn ease your depression. Get in line to join the addiction of drawing or colouring, it is proven to soothe the mood. Join a Zumba class or groove to dance moves from YouTube, it will keep you active, happy and healthy!

2. Talk To Someone

Let that dead feelings out by talking to a loved one or a trustworthy colleague. According to psychologists, the risk of suicide is linked with people being silent about their issues. If there’s nobody to listen get in touch with a therapist, might as well keep a secret? (a secret to your future well-being). You can ‘talk-it-out-loud’ concerning the cause of depression.

3. Get Some Sleep

Stress leads to depression, covering enough sleep reduces the effects of stress. Staying awake till midnight can make you look like a zombie leaving you with puffed up eyes and dark circles. Keep aside the work and take care of yourself! Sleep deprivation often leads to a disturbed mind, loss of concentration, severe anxiety and confusion.

4. Avoid Antidepressants!

Hollywood movies and the entertainment industry has been a popular medium promoting a glamorized lifestyle injecting anti-depressants along with suicide, that’s not always how it works in the real world. People who are under the influence of antidepressants play a major cause in their death. You might be caution-less about the side effects it throws on your mental health!

5. Get Over It

One can’t keep crying over the spilt milk constantly, instead accept the past and encourage yourself to move on. Past is meant to be dead, reviewing bitter memories repeatedly will only tear you apart and cause unnecessary distractions.

6. Exercise/Yoga

It might seem a bit harsh on you but mastering exercise and yoga has been proven to cure depression. Endeavouring exercise daily releases chemicals such as ‘endorphins’ which is known to trigger positive energy in the body while it also enhances the mood. Yoga is an ancient medicine that has helped people overcome anxiety and depression. It keeps the mind calm and in the right place, preventing any further health disorders!

7. Keep In Touch With Postive!

Being positive isn’t hard as it sounds, when things go wrong you tend to overthink negative thoughts. To avoid negativity, look in the mirror, tell yourself ‘I’m the best damn thing’ and crack that quirky smile!

Voila!! We hope you have a life full of light and shades of positivity!


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