International Yoga Day 2022 – A Day for Better Body & Soul

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International Yoga Day 2022 – A Day for Better Body & Soul
20 Jun 2022
6 min read

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Yoga is thought to be an ancient practice that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga was created as a way to connect the mind, body, and soul in order to move closer to enlightenment. As the practice gained popularity in the West, it was promoted as a workout and relaxation method, with claims that it could improve the body's overall well-being, alleviate physical injuries, and relieve chronic pain. This article is written to celebrate International Yoga Day 2022 or Yoga Divas. #TWN

Yoga Day is now celebrated internationally on the 21st of June, and it couldn’t be better to see the world coming together to do yoga and make lives healthier. When I was a child, I was told to do Surya Namaskar, which was a yoga pose. At that time, I wasn’t aware of its advantages. Now, years later, sitting in a chair and writing about it, I know how beneficial it is after I started practicing it. Yoga can change your life once you get the hang of it. International Yoga Day is the best day to incorporate yoga into your daily routine. This article is all about Yoga Day and why should do yoga daily. As a bonus point, you will find some amazing yoga asanas to practice. So, read till the end.

First International Yoga Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed a 'Yoga Day' or ‘Yoga Divas’ during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014. India's draught resolution was then approved by a record 177 member states. On June 21, 2015, the world celebrated the first International Day of Yoga.

On June 21, 2015, well almost 36,000 people, including Prime Minister Modi and many other high-profile public leaders from all over the globe, managed to perform 21 asanas (yoga postures) for 35 minutes in the capital of India to commemorate the first International Yoga Day, which has since been celebrated around the world.

People all over the world are getting ready to roll out their yoga mats and begin exercising in honor of International Yoga Day, but they may be unaware that yoga dates back centuries.

Yoga is thought to be an ancient practice that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga was created as a way to connect the mind, body, and soul in order to move closer to enlightenment. As the practice gained popularity in the West, it was promoted as a workout and relaxation method, with claims that it could improve the body's overall well-being, alleviate physical injuries, and relieve chronic pain.

Fun factInternational Yoga Day shares the day with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year i.e., the 21st of June.

Reason to Celebrate World Yoga Day

During his UNGA speech, Prime Minister Modi stated, "Yoga is a priceless gift from India's ancient tradition. It represents mind-body unity, thought-action harmony, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature, and a comprehensive approach to well-being and health. It is not about exercise but rather about discovering a sense of togetherness with yourself, the world, and nature. It is possible to improve our well-being by modifying our lifestyle and developing consciousness. Let us work together to establish an International Yoga Day."

International Yoga Day 2022: Theme

The theme for the 2022 World Yoga Day is Yoga for Humanity.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a human tragedy unlike any other. Beyond its instant effect on physical wellbeing, the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated mental pain and mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, in many countries, as pandemic-related constraints were implemented in various forms. This has highlighted the critical need to address the pandemic's mental health dimension in addition to the physical health implications.

During the pandemic, people all over the world practiced yoga to remain fit and rejuvenated, as well as to combat social isolation and depression. Yoga is also being used to help COVID-19 patients in confinement and isolation with their psychosocial care and rehabilitation. It is especially beneficial in calming their fears, worries, and anxiety.

In addition to human hardships, the COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted several key vulnerabilities in countries around the world's economic and development models. Future prosperity necessitates that member countries rebuild in new ways as they fully heal from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The core essence of yoga is to maintain balance, not only within the body or between the body and the mind, but also in human engagement with the world. Mindfulness, discipline, moderation, and perseverance are values emphasized in yoga. Yoga, when implemented in communities and societies, provides a path to more sustainable living.

Yoga can be an essential tool in humanity's collective quest to promote a sustainable lifestyle that is in harmony with the planet. To that end, the theme of this year's Yoga Day celebrations is "Yoga for Humanity."

Also Read in Hindi: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस-21 जून- 'मानवता के लिए योग' | International Yoga Day

Activities to do on International Yoga Day

There are many things you can do the Yoga Day.

Step out in nature and do your poses.

Yoga poses can benefit from some fresh air when practiced outside. Practice near the coastline, in a playground, or even in your own backyard. Getting new things to focus on can make being in a new environment much more engaging.

“Om” is your new best friend. Do your “om” thing.

Discover new combos to your favorite music and create your own flow of your movements. A transition in motion or music can sometimes allow you to focus your energy and perfectly sync your breathing to musical transitions.

Make your friends practice the yogi lifestyle along with you.

Bringing a friend can provide the added motivation you need to improve your practice. They can not only motivate you to intensify your poses, but they can also score big on amazing free yoga offers for new students. Win-win.

Related: A Changemaker In The Community

Some FAQs related to World Yoga Day

What is Yoga?
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India. Yoga is derived from Sanskrit and means to join or unite, representing the alliance of body and consciousness.

Yoga is much more than a workout. Yoga teaches people how to maintain a balanced mindset in everyday life and how to perform actions with skill.

What are the three Asanas to boost energy and help improve your productivity?
The three asanas that can improve your productivity and boost your energy are:

  • Urdhva Hastasana
  • Modified Urdhva Hastasana
  • Padahastasana

What are some amazing breathing yoga asanas?
These are some of the most popular breathing yoga asanas:

  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Chakravati Pranayama


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