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IntellAct aims to reduce flight delays

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IntellAct aims to reduce flight delays
21 Feb 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Israeli startup IntellAct has come up with a new technology that could limit flight delays. The company says that most of the flight delays are in airlines’ control and are mainly because of the turnaround services. These services include loading and removal of luggage, cleaning of aircraft, refueling, etc. IntellAct’s Artificial Intelligence technology, by using security cameras of the airline operators can find the delays in these turnaround services. Not only it will detect the problems but will also provide solutions to the crew and ground staff. IntellAct chief executive Udi Segall said: "The idea came while I was visiting a European airport that suffered from a low number of movements [flights] and was interested in increasing the volume, and hence the number of passengers in its airport. When I asked the airport's head of operation what it would take to increase the volume of flights, he replied that if the airport could offer a shorter connection time, it would attract international airlines to the airport. Shorter connection time depends primarily on managing the turnaround process effectively and that is the origin of the idea to build an AI-based solution to monitor turnaround services."