IIT Guwahati launches Drone Technology Training Programme

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IIT Guwahati launches Drone Technology Training Programme
06 Dec 2023
6 min read

News Synopsis

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati has embarked on an unprecedented three-month training programme on drone technology aimed at Junior Commissioned Officers and other ranks of officers with plans to take this initiative further. Led by the Centre for Educational Technology, Centre for Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems, Centre for Drone Technology and IIT Guwahati Technology Innovation and Development Foundation, the programme aims to modernise the operations of the armed forces and equip personnel with state-of-the-art skills for drone operations. Further, it seeks to facilitate a seamless transformation for armed forces personnel considering post-retirement careers in the fast-moving drone technology sector.

Professor Parameshwara K Iyer, Dean, PRBR and Head of the Drone Technology Centre at IIT Guwahati, stressed on the institute's commitment to augmenting the armed forces with specific technologies and implementing skilling programmes. Expressing the importance of this first-of-its-kind training programme, he said it will provide comprehensive training to officers and JCOs in drone technologies, pilot training, software operations and applications with an aim to revolutionise various operational activities.

Professor T.V. Bharat, Head of the Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Guwahati highlighted the role of the institute in offering a certificate programme on drone technology for the first time in the country for the defence forces. The programme aims to skill the armed forces with emerging technologies and enhance their career opportunities after retirement, potentially leading to entrepreneurship or technology-based second careers.

The program, designed specifically for participants of the armed forces, combines theoretical and practical aspects of drone technology and operations. The curriculum covers basic principles such as mathematics and computing foundations, drone technology, electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering and applied engineering. The practical component includes practical training using flight simulators, basic assembly, risk assessment and analysis, drone equipment maintenance, payload installation and use, introduction to drone data and analysis, robotics, 3D printing, practical flying with instructor and solo flying.

Given the participants' backgrounds as members and officers of the armed forces, the programme leverages their existing high levels of discipline, leadership and professionalism. Through this training, participants receive reorientation, re-equipment and skill upgradation to advance in the evolving drone industry.

Brigadier Rajiv Kapoor, SM, Assistant Director General, Directorate General Resettlement emphasised the role of the programme in enabling a smooth transition for service personnel aspiring for a second career after retirement. The three-month course on Drone Technology is specially designed for JCOs and ORS, to expand their knowledge on Drone Technology and its various applications, provide insights into the civilian domain and introduce them to the working environment of the corporate world.

IAF Officer A Kumar Appreciated 

Indian institute of technology guwahati,drone technology,drone industry,drone technology sector,professor t v bharat head of the centre for educational technology at iit guwahati,solo flying,practical flying with instructor,3d printing,cutting edge skills and knowledge. The academic atmosphere at IIT Guwahati. Despite the initial challenge of reiterating the basics learnt years ago, he appreciated the teaching methods of the professors and described the stay at IIT Guwahati as pleasant and enlightening.

The programme marks the beginning of a series of Upskilling Officer courses offered by IIT Guwahati, showcasing the Institute's commitment to empowering Armed Forces personnel with state-of-the-art skills and knowledge.

About IIT Guwahati:

Established in 1994, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati completed 25 years in 2019. The Institute offers a wide range of programs in engineering, science, health care, management, and humanities. IIT Guwahati has consistently ranked among the top engineering institutes in India, and has gained recognition globally for its research initiatives. The institute continues to excel in various international rankings.