Discover Your Strengths to Find Your Success

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Discover Your Strengths to Find Your Success
15 Apr 2022
4 min read

Blog Post

The Almighty has gifted us certain talents and abilities that are unique to who we are. We can be most efficient in our lives when we use our strengths to better our lives and the lives of those around us. We are one step closer to living the kind of life he plans for us when we not only seek to discover but also develop these strengths. We need to know what lies inside us so that we can use it in a better way and make the best of what life has to offer. This article is all about:
Discovering your strengths
•    List of strengths you have in you.
•    Way to learn about the strengths
And much more. #TWN


“So, tell me, what are your strengths and how will you utilize them for our organization?”

“Sir, I… I… I… I am punctual, I can work with teams, and I’m passionate about my work.”

“Nice, Tell me more of your strengths.”

*Dead Silence*

This type of conversation is very common when people ask about your strengths, and such conversation ends up in awkward silence. These awkward moments are the result of your lack of knowledge about the strengths that you have in you. Let us help you find your strengths.

Let me tell you something about myself and how this personal information is kind of crucial for this topic.

Learning new skills and expanding my knowledge is almost like a drug to me. I'm thirsty for it. So, when the opportunity to take an online class to improve my business acumen arose, I seized it. One of the activities in the first module was about identifying your strengths.

This exercise was compelling because it made me learn what I do well, where I can improve, and what I have to let go of. It was fascinating to discover the link between our strengths and our willingness to work hard at something. Recognizing our strengths enables us to apply them to almost every aspect of our lives.

Having said that, let’s know the reason why we need to discover your strength.

Discover your Strengths, But Why?

That question is the reason I’m writing this blog.

I believe that the Almighty has gifted us talents and abilities that are unique to who we are. We can be most efficient in our lives when we use our strengths to better our lives and the lives of those around us. We are one step closer to living the kind of life he plans for us when we not only seek to discover but also develop these strengths. Consider these abilities to be tools designed specifically for you.

Where To Start When Discovering the Strengths?

Ask questions first. Tools are helpful but these questions will ease the process and give you the starting point.

  1. My Top Three Strengths, what are they?

The initial step is to solicit feedback. Send an email to 20 of your relatively close friends and family members to make it easier. Inform them that you are working on a project and need their assistance in identifying your three top qualities or strengths (bcc everyone to make it one easy email). Hearing from those who know us and care about our well-being tends to motivate us to act more quickly.

This was one of my class's exercises, and it had a profound effect on me. You'll start getting responses right away. Create a list based on the feedback you end up receiving. I discovered that many characteristics were repeated. Use the three most common answers as a starting point.

  1. What are the things you do daily?

Now that’s something worth talking about.

Most people prefer to spend their time doing things they enjoy rather than things they dislike. Problems are frequently caused by the struggle between the two rather than by the activities themselves. If you find yourself easily making time to read to your children but avoiding making dinner, this could be a warning sign. People gravitate toward activities in which they are naturally gifted.

  1. What do other people around you think about what you do?

People around you are likely to have a viewpoint about what you are and are not good at. Usually, they have a notion in their heads about what you do all day. Inquire with them. If you have a best friend or sister, she or he can help you truly identify what others think of you and what you do well. Sometimes what other people believe differs from what you believe. It does not mean you are incorrect, but if this occurs, you should try to determine why there is a difference in perception objectively.

  1. What do you like to talk about or what interests you?

Most people find themselves talking about stuff they are drawn to. You may occasionally find yourself concentrating on criticism and dwelling on things you dislike, despise, or are failing at. These are also important points to consider. However, if something makes you feel particularly good, you're probably good at it and enjoy it. It's important to note this.

*Make a note of these questions so you can analyze and recognize your own strengths. You can also get the Discover Your Strengths workbook to assist you with the process.

How to Identify Your Strengths all by yourself?

Now, this is the part where you must pay attention.

You have a better chance of success and finding activities that bring you joy and meaning if you learn how to identify your strengths. However, if you have spent your entire life working to overcome your weaknesses, chances are you have a difficult time recognizing and appreciating your strong points. You might not even believe you have many advantages.

It's time to stop feeling down and start feeling strong. Here's how you can begin:

  1. Develop Self Awareness
  2. Know yourself
  3. Your character strengths, identify them
  4. Assess yourself through others
  5. Surrounded yourself with people who are supportive.
  6. Have a coach and mentor with whom you can work
  7. Learn to differentiate between True and Pseudo Strengths
  8. Understand what you are passionate about vs. what you’re good at.
  9. Experiment with your strengths.
  10. Recognize your weaknesses

Types of Strengths in a person that can be channeled

The types of strength that you can know about are limitless. In this blog, I will mention some of the strengths that will help you both on a personal and professional level.

There's a reason why your local bookstore's personal development section is so large. A person's strengths serve as a filler for self-satisfaction. When you're submitting a college or job request or preparing for an interview, it's especially important to take a step back and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Let's look at a list of personal strengths, many of which are emphasized in self-care books.

  • Accurate
  • Ambitious
  • Analytical
  • Compassionate
  • Confident
  • Curious
  • Decisive
  • Idealistic
  • Focused
  • Organized
  • Problem-solving

These are just a few of the many strengths that you possess. This is just a small list of personal strengths that you must work on so that you can grow them on a professional level. Now, if someone asks you what are your personal strengths, you can tell them from this list without facing the dead silence at the end of the conversation

Now that you know what type of strengths are generally found in humans, let’s talk about how to find your strengths.

How To Identify Your Strengths?

One of the best ways to determine what types of jobs might suit you is to ask yourself and those around you some questions about who you are, your strengths, and your interests. Consider what jobs are in high demand and are expected to grow in the future. Does that make sense? Here are some points that will get you started:

  1. Discover your personality
  2. Write down what you do
  3. Ask Around
  4. Examine the patterns
  5. Always Keep an open mind

Now you must be ready to answer the question when someone is ready to ask you about your strengths because you will already know about them and how many have you acquired.


TWN In-Focus