Deliver Excellent Customer Experience To Increase Your Customer Retention

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Deliver Excellent Customer Experience To Increase Your Customer Retention
16 May 2022
6 min read

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A business's and its workers' quality and timely help to consumers who use or buy its products and services are referred to as good customer service. Customer service can include everything from assisting consumers with purchases to resolving issues online. Customer service representatives are in charge of ensuring that consumers have a positive experience by meeting their demands. Customers may interact with them in person, over the phone, or via email or chat services. Developing your customer service skills can help you advance in your career because it is a skill set that employers value. #TWN

Despite all of the changes that have occurred in the business landscape since the turn of the century, customer service representive remains at the heart of a company's success. We observed several prominent entrepreneurs and got their thoughts on how customer service has evolved in recent years and how they expect to provide superior service in the digital age.

Encourage Loyalty

What good is a customer who buys from you once and then goes to support your competitors? Great service is the foundation of loyalty, which is why every firm should prioritize it.

"Best customer service experience will always lead to brand loyalty," stated Sharma Brands CEO Nik Sharma. "Your customer service must be dependable and helpful above all else to develop a strong sense of loyalty with your audience." Customers want to feel connected and recognized so they can do business with you again and again. It's critical for consumers to be able to rely on informative, prompt service done with delicate love and care. Chatbots are excellent customer support tools because they are simple to use, quick to respond, and directly address the demands of your audience."

Use all of the options available to improve service in tiny but substantial ways.

Quick and Timely

What is one surefire strategy to get a competitive advantage in terms of customer service? Connect with the person on the other end of the line and help them resolve their issues more quickly.

"Knowing where a client is coming from will save you time and time again," said Derin Oyekan, Reel Paper's Founder and CEO. "What customer experience success is all about is attempting to assist consumers and resolve the issue at hand in a timely manner."

Solving difficulties quickly does not imply rushing, but rather handling things slowly and carefully and addressing all aspects of the situation.

See the Other Side

Have you ever had the impression that a customer support professional is uninterested in your problem? We've all been there, and it's the ultimate turnoff in any customer service interaction.

"It's so much easier to be kind, to be respectful, to put yourself in your clients' place and attempt to understand how you may help them before they ask for help," said Mark Cuban, the Dallas Mavericks' owner.

Compassion and empathy are essential even when clients are unreasonable or angry.

Address Real Needs

It's always a good idea to take a step back and consider whether your business is genuinely meeting the customer's demands in every aspect. This applies to all aspects of the customer experience, including products, services, support, and feedback.

"Identifying white space or holes within the beauty business and producing goods that fill those needs is my passion," stated SBLA CEO Randi Shinder. "As SBLA develops as a cutting-edge, science-based beauty brand, we felt it was critical to participate in recent discussions on beauty standards." The addition of beauty icon and entrepreneur Christie Brinkley to the SBLA Beauty team as a brand ambassador has aided us in starting a conversation with women about aging in the spotlight and in general, by providing a safe space for dialogue and innovative solutions that are both accessible and incomparable."

Remember that the customer experience is the sum of all interactions that consumers have with your brand, not just one piece of the puzzle.

Support Communities

Customer experience nowadays extends well beyond the person. If brands want to achieve cult status in the true sense, they must cultivate and engage with entire communities of individuals online.

"We came up with a way to blend traditional tepache, a fermented beverage from pre-Columbian Mexico, into a more modern market – one that people from all walks of life will grab off the shelves," said Alex Mathews, De La Calle's Co-Founder. "De La Calle is a delightful beverage that celebrates culture and variety. We do it by sponsoring a number of groups that give back to the Latino community and by appointing Latinx advisors to our board of directors to ensure that the firm is respectful of the legacy we represent. De La Calle, which translates to 'in the streets,' is a celebration of food, wine, and all the customs that come with being together."

You'll never be without devoted support online if you tap into a dynamic community of people who support your brand and purpose.

Personalized Products

A popular product line is excellent, but the ability to design and modify things for each user on your website takes customer service to a whole new level.

"Atolla's entire business approach puts customers first," said Meghan Maupin, CEO. "Our bespoke skincare products are enhanced with their feedback." "We also have a team of estheticians that are free to consult with customers about their formulas and assist them in putting together the most effective routine." We attempt to educate the user and provide tailored service in addition to personalized products at every point of contact with Atolla."

As more companies experiment with ways to tailor the consumer experience, you don't want to be left behind on this important trend.

Expert Associations

Whether it's a strong belief in your products or a relationship with respectable personalities in your area, so much of the modern customer experience is built on trust. Utilize your reputation to your advantage.

"Associating your brand with professionals who your customers regard as authoritative will strengthen your brand's reputation and credibility," stated Jeff Goodwin, Orgain's Senior Director of Performance Marketing and E-commerce. "At Orgain, we have a nutritional advisory board comprised of a diverse group of dietitians and professionals that guide new initiatives and products. This informs how we respond to dietary inquiries from clients and assists them in finding the proper goods."

In a world of fakes, credibility will get your brand far, so get help from renowned professionals to go to the top of your sector.

Listen Closely

Customers nowadays have a lot to say - for better or for worse! You have the option of ignoring their remarks, but be prepared to suffer the repercussions. It's a better idea to pay attention and hear what they're saying, whether it's good or terrible.

"Listen to your customers: identify their wants, expectations, and tasks to be completed, then develop an experience that satisfies those demands," Annette Franz, founder of CX Journey, said. "Your staff are in the same boat."

Because feedback never ends, create a way to filter and target the most significant and relevant signals.

Don’t Miss a Thing

Customers today have extremely high expectations, therefore, you can't afford to let anything fall between the cracks while handling support issues, requests, or other sorts of service interactions.

"Never missing a contact, email, or social media comment is definitely crucial," Doe Lashes' Founder and CEO, Jason Wong, stated. "No one wants to be neglected, especially by businesses they buy from." "It benefits both parties to have a committed team member address those questions."

If you need to hire more people to improve your customer service, go ahead — it's well worth the money.

Customers First

There will be missteps in the customer experience area, no matter how amazing your brand is. The idea is to bounce back swiftly and confidently so that the situation does not become any worse.

"When thinking about your brand and how to portray it, putting the customer first is crucial to brand loyalty," stated Eddie Huai, CEO of Luna Blanket. "It's also crucial to consider how your product addresses problems for your customers and what issues can arise if some are dissatisfied, their purchase is lost, or other issues happen." Have a strategy in place for how to communicate with those customers, even if they won't buy your product again, so they have a positive experience."

Even if you didn't start off on the right foot, you'll be astonished at how many clients change their thoughts after a positive engagement with your company!

Use New Tech Tools

Countless new technologies have been released in the last decade with the purpose of improving and speeding up customer service operations. Don't be the last in your industry to use them!

"Customers want to feel connected to the company and informed about its products," said Elliot Kim, Brevite's Co-Founder and Director of Finance and Operations. "At Brevity, we use chatbots to inform users about our products while they browse our website, such as letting them know what items are popular and likely to sell out soon, such as our Jumper Camera bags, which sell out every 30 days."

Giving customers advance notice of this gives the bag an air of exclusivity while without excluding individuals from purchasing."

Adopting a new technology might be frightening and costly, but it's usually well worth the effort.

Use Referrals

Some digital-only businesses may consider referral programs obsolete, yet they are actually ideal for internet businesses. There are also plug-and-play options that make implementing these programs a breeze.

"By offering a discount for a customer's future purchase through the referral program, they are more likely to make that online purchase during that site visit," said Harris Rabin, R3SET's Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer. "Also, the referral program is our second attempt at collecting email addresses for our subscription list, after the pop-up window."

You'll wonder why you waited so long to start your referral programs once you see the results.

Beneficial Policies

It doesn't take much digging on a firm's website to figure out whether its policies are customer-friendly or if the corporation is trying to nickel-and-dime customers for every last penny.

"Having customer-focused rules is a vital component of a firm," stated Bari Suzanne, Stabili-COO. Teeth's "It demonstrates who your priority is and aids in client retention."

When a company has policies like generous return windows, exchange options, and warranties, you know they care about their customers.

Service in Every Sense

The customer experience is no longer limited to interactions at the counter or over the phone. Because there are so many various channels and platforms to consider, make sure you've covered all of your bases.

"Digital and in-person customer experience can take many different shapes," said Cody Iverson, CEO of VisCap Media. "It's critical to be able to communicate with your consumers and clients quickly and efficiently while also leaving them with a positive impression of your company when doing business online. Ensure that your online image and client service are consistent to increase brand awareness and authority."

To provide excellent customer service, make sure that all elements are brought together under one umbrella.

Accessibility for All

You don't want to exclude anyone from using your products and services online now that e-commerce is poised to overtake traditional retail. Make your website easier to use so that everyone can participate.

"One way we give outstanding customer service at Wild One is by prioritizing our website's usability and accessibility, especially to those with impairments," stated Minali Chatani, Wild One's Head of Brand. "We made a commitment to accessibility and urge our customers to offer us feedback on our website's user experience because some people may be purchasing our goods for their dog who is also an aid for their disability." We are always willing to talk with our clients (or future customers!) and develop a meaningful relationship with them that goes beyond a transaction."

Everyone is a potential customer online, therefore welcome them all.

What Customers Want

If you actually listen to what people in your sector are saying on social media, you can gather a lot of useful information that will improve your client experience.

"You have to be a good listener to give outstanding customer service and experience," stated Eric Gist, CEO of Awesome OS. "Pay attention to what your customers actually want and do your best to offer it." It makes a big difference."

Don't be the brand that misses out on trends and possibilities because it isn't paying attention to online culture.

Community Engagement

In the age of the internet, every brand wishes to create a self-sustaining community. It may take some time to gain traction, but it will pay off in the long run.

"At Super great, we provide a user-generated video platform for the beauty community, allowing users to connect to discuss products, reviews, and recommendations," stated Tyler Faux, Supergreat's CEO and Co-Founder. "Since our inception in 2018, we've tripled the size of our platform, including shoppable live-streaming in 2021." The items of brands featured on our platform have sold out in seconds, and with improved user retention and signups, we're looking into live videos for the brands for even more involvement."

However, you can promote a better sense of community online and build up your brand reputation, considering it worth the investment.

Speed it Up

Is there a way to use technology like chatbots or forums to speed up your customer support contacts, or even address problems before they arise?

"I strive to respond to client questions or inquiries as quickly as possible," Olivia Young, Head of Product Design at Conscious Items, said. "Immediately resolving difficulties makes clients feel appreciated."

Although not all difficulties can be resolved at home, it's best to spend as little time as possible on the phone or messaging back and forth.

Savings and Convenience

Niceties and friendly service are excellent, but what do people actually want? The real bread and butter are perks like savings and a more convenient overall experience.

Emjay owns the infrastructure and delivery service, according to CEO Chris Vaughn. "The distinction in our practice, which has helped us become California's leading cannabis delivery and retail company, is that we don't charge delivery fees, and the cost of the product delivered is the same as the cost of picking up at one of our retail sites." This technique builds customer and employee confidence."

The best basis for client experience is always superior rates and convenient policies, so don't overlook the basics.

Patience = Virtue

There's no getting around it: consumers can be difficult at times, and your best bet is to simply bear with them until a solution is found. Indeed, you may learn something about customer service that may help you in the future.

Guy Bar, the founder and CEO of Hygear, stated, "Listening is critical to customer experience success." "At the end of the day, everyone wants to be heard, and being a patient listener goes a long way."

You'll build strategies to interact with consumers more effectively while still giving excellent service in no time.

More Interactions

When client encounters are few and far between, it might be difficult to get into a customer service rhythm. You can anticipate demands and give a better overall experience with more touchpoints.

"Increasing the frequency and quality of client interactions has been critical to our success in attracting and keeping loyal customers," stated Aidan Cole, Nailboo's Co-Founder. "People will always have questions, concerns, and ideas, and you must be there to address them swiftly and efficiently, both before and after the sale."

Customers today can be demanding, so why not provide them with more ways to communicate with your staff and simplify the process?

Develop Relationships

Consider how your neighborhood barber or butcher serves frequent customers, and apply some of those old-school methods to your modern online business.

Customers are considerably more likely to stick around and support your business if you create long-term, friendly relationships with them — even online.

Wrapping it up!

"Developing a functional and communicative relationship with both clients and client-facing team members is our guide on how to give exceptional customer service," stated Amber Theurer, Ivee's Chief Marketing Officer. "A working and communicative relationship with clients helps us understand what they want from us and what they think we're missing or should do more of, and a working and communicative relationship with client-facing team members help us adequately communicate what customers want so that everyone is happy and productive!"

Customer experience may have its beginnings in trading and business, but in the digital age, it is still the most critical part of commercial success!

Make sure you follow these suggestions and keep the consumer happy at all times.

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