Colors Of Business

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Colors Of Business
24 Sep 2021
6 min read

Blog Post

If your business is product-based, then you have to take proper care in packaging, but how? The main factor you have to keep in mind is the color of the packaging. Take a look and you will know what I am saying, Enjoy your reading.#ThinkWithNiche  

There lies the mystery in colors. Every color has an impact to influence our minds. There is a saying that, ‘Life is like a box of crayons. Colors are the factor that controls our emotions. Even black and white has its power. Like this, every color has its own meaning in branding and business. Choosing the right color will push you one step ahead of success. You may think how is it possible, but it’s true.

Let’s have a quick which color has the best influence

1. Red

Red is the color of warmth, power, and feat. Red has the power to attract people. Also, many times red use to make a sign of chemical usage. Red creates a sense of urgency giving an alert. Red also encourages appetite which reflects passion. Take a quick look at some famous food brands, like- KFC, McDonald's, etc. they have made their brand look delicious using red. People, especially children are attracted to tomato sauce than other sauces.

2. Blue

Blue has a calming power that always feels trustworthy and loyal. Medical companies often choose blue as it has the power to heal and soothe. As we often use blue color as the color of water, it has a tranquil power like water. Blue color stimulates productivity. Blue signifies intelligence, so, many educational apps use the blue color in their logo.

3. Yellow

Yellow is the color of charm, warmth, and happiness, it always grabs attention. Like sunshine yellow is charming and cheerful. It shows joy and some kind of refreshment and energy of mind.

4. Green

Green is the color of nature. It has a healing touch. It is very eco-friendly and always refers to such a product which is natural. People like a natural, herbal product than the chemical one. If you notice, you can see every herbal brand has its logo with a green color.

5. Orange

Like yellow, orange has also the power to bring happiness. It is very charming and childlike. Orange color has a cheerful concept that has positiveness. The baby product often uses orange color. Often musical rhythm also provides an orange logo with the orange drumbeat. Orange also is the color of rhythm.

6. Pink

Pink has a feminine touch, which presents sensitivity. Pink also brings awareness and concern for feminine matters. Light pink often little girls and deep pink depict romanticism, medium pink refers youth of women. Most of the women’s beauty creams, soaps, and powder are of pink package.  

7. Purple

Purple presents royalty which also has a spiritual touch. Purple shows confidence. As the color refers to royalty, many times the hallmark crowns are purple. The costly beauty products often use purple. It has a pleasing power. Cadbury packet is purple as it shows luxury and value.

8. Brown

Brown refers to ayurvedic touch which is very natural and earthly. Brown describes a strong, earthly nature with a promising power. Brands like Patanjali and other ayurvedic products use brown color to make it more pure and earthly.

9. Black

Black has the power of seriousness. It refers to gravity and shows weight. Black has leadership power, which is confident, stable, and has strength. If you look at Puma’s logo the tiger is of black color, which describes strength and durability.

10. White

No doubt white always present purity and cleanliness. White is the sign of peace. As for Our national flag, the white always represents purity and success. It is not always attractive but to refer crystal clear white is perfect to use.

11. Gold

Gold is the color of prestige and represents a prestigious society. It symbolizes wealth. Gold itself is a valuable prestigious metal. This color always has the power of supremacy.


According to Antonio Damasio, ‘how consumers feel about a brand has more pull than what they think about a brand’. To make a logo, to make the packaging the has the leading role. As human behavior, color depicts the product’s character and nature. A single color has the power to change the world.




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