Coolant for the Machine called Body- Best Recipes for Summer

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Coolant for the Machine called Body- Best Recipes for Summer
07 Mar 2022
7 min read

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Eating food of hot nature can cause a lot of skin and body problems, especially in summer, but we humans tend to ignore problems that are not visible. But ignoring the problem only makes it worse! We need to find a long-term solution to this problem. Therefore we have shortlisted top food recipes for summers that cool your body when the sun is on fire. #TWN

Summers are almost here, so is the urge to eat something that is not only tasty but also cools your body naturally. Although we have a lot of knowledge on how to cool your body from the outside, what about your insides? Do you face skin problems like pimples, acne, or dark circles? Or do you suffer premature gray hairs or hair fall? What if I told you that all these problems are a result of your increased body heat? Well, you might cool your body from the outside with the help of Air conditioners or Fans, but you don’t realize that your body requires cooling front the inside too. You can also face some digestion-related problems due to your body heat. Therefore, we are here to provide recipes that will not only jiggle your taste buds but will also reduce your body heat. We are going to cover recipes for all our readers. Whether you are non-vegetarian or vegetarian, we got all of you covered.

Summer Recipes with Chicken

You may ask, why are we covering just chicken and not other meats? Well, because studies have shown that Red Meat is hot, adding them to your cooling recipe may reverse the effect. Having red meat once in a while is ok, but we are here to discuss recipes that you can have throughout the summers and not as cheat meals.

Lemon Chicken

Start with some lemon peels just make sure to carefully remove all that stuff from the peel as they give lemon peels that bitter taste. Slice these pieces and in a bowl; add one Tablespoon of Sugar, one cup white vinegar, one tablespoon honey, lemon peels, and one tablespoon custard powder. Now roughly chop one chicken breast and beat it thoroughly to make it tender. Now in another bowl, add your chicken breast, salt, one cup cooking wine, a pinch of black pepper, one tablespoon corn starch, one tablespoon custard, and one egg. Now, mix them all until they form a coating on the chicken, cover your chicken with some flour and deep fry them in peanut oil until crispy. Now glaze your chicken with the lemon glaze you prepared earlier, and your tasty and filling chicken is ready with the oozing flavors of chicken and lemon.

Chicken Piccata

Butterfly your chicken breast and pound it flat. Coat your chicken with flour seasoned with just salt and pepper, and shire them in a pan for 3-4 minutes. In the same pan, add some oil, and toss some capers until your kitchen smells ki capers. Now, add some chicken broth, add the juice of one lemon and cook it until it is reduced to half, and add three tablespoons of cold butter and whisk it until the butter is combined with the broth. Add your chicken breast that you cooked earlier and coat it with the glaze, and now you are ready to plate your chicken. On a plate, add your chicken breast with a side of buttered spaghetti and top it all off with some chopped cilantro, and there you have it, a refreshing chicken piccata, a perfect summer recipe for lunch.

Chicken Stir-fries 

This recipe is of the man himself Mr.Gordan Ramsay so it's bound to be delicious so let's get started; Cut your chicken breast into small strips, now slice some garlic, some broccoli. Now heat up a pan and add some olive oil and stir fry your chicken, add some salt and a hint of lemon juice, and all your vegetables. Your chicken is ready, you can enjoy it with some rice noodles or rice if you want.

Vegetarian Summer Recipes

Let’s be realistic if you think about cool foods. There are more options available in Veg than Non-veg. It is because vegetables contain more water when compared to meat. Vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, and tomatoes are naturally cool, and hence we can create a lot of recipes using them. Let’s take a look at our top picks:

Cucumber and Peach Salad

The best part of this recipe is that you can cook it without any sort of heat. To get started, you need to create a dressing with; Two tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, one Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, juice of one lemon, one tablespoon of maple syrup, a pinch of salt, pepper, and basils. Whisk them all together, and let’s move on to the main part. Chop some peaches and cucumber and toss them into your dressing, and that’s it. You may add some parmesan if you want, but I prefer them as it is. It is one of my go-to summer salad recipes, and I prefer to prepare it whenever I feel too lazy to turn on my oven. 

A Pot Meal

This meal is one of the most convenient meals that you can prepare during summer as it does not take a lot of time and also you don't require too many utensils to prepare it, just a pot and mixing bowl are enough. In a mixing bowl add; 8oz of Mushroom, 15oz of beans, 1 onion, 1/4 cup of bread crumbs, 1/2 cup of parsley, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 Tbs rosemary, 1 Tbs soy sauce, a pinch of nutmeg, and salt and pepper. Mix them all together and in a pot add some peanut oil and stir fry your mixture by converting them into little balls, now in the same hot pot add 3 cups of veggie broth, 14oz of full-fat coconut milk, 1 Tbs soy sauce, 1/4 cup of flour, and finally add some pasta. Cook it for 5 minutes and your pot is ready to be served.

Summer Vegetable Lasagne

This recipe can be prepared in under an hour is delicious. Start with stir-frying; some asparagus, spring onions, and crush six cloves of garlic into this stir fry. Add the zest of half a lemon. Now add five hundred grams of peas along with two fifty grams of beans. Add some freshly chopped mints to your vegetables. Now, add 300 ML of fresh cream and 300 ML of vegetable stock, and they boil together for a minute or so. Now, add some cottage cheese and mash a bit of vegetables but don’t go all the way. Now, on your lasagne tray lay a layer of vegetables, followed by a lasagne sheet and parmesan cheese. Repeat the process till your tray is full and bake it at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. 

It’s time to serve; cut out a piece of the size you want and serve it along with a refreshing summer drink. 

Summer Cocktail Recipes

When I asked you to serve your lasagne with a drink, I realized that I haven’t discussed the drink's recipe with you yet. Hence, here are some cocktail recipes that are perfect to go along with your summer dishes.

Virgin Mojito

It is one of the most popular drinks and is very easy to prepare; In a glass, add some mint leaves, half a lemon, and 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar. Crush them all together, you also add some peppermint to give it that extra minty flavor, but if you are not a big mint flavor fan, you can skip it. Now, fill the glass with lemon soda, and your refreshing drink is ready. Enjoy!

Blue Curacao Lemonade

In a glass, add the juice of one lemon, some simple syrup, and one tablespoon of blue curacao syrup. Top it all off with some chilled plain soda, and your fizzy and delicious summer drink is ready to serve.

Peach and Thyme Iced Tea 

Start by preparing your tea in the way you usually do and place that tea into your refrigerator, now grab your peaches and roughly chop them and add them to a pot, also add a hint of thyme into your peaches. Add a cup of water and some maple syrup to your peaches, when your peaches soften, start mashing them into the pot and once they take the consistency of a slurry, strain as much juice as possible. Now, in a glass, add some lemon juice and one part of your peach syrup along with 3 parts of your iced tea, and your delicious peach and thyme iced tea is ready.

Summer Dessert Recipes

You might argue that there are a lot of options available in the market, like ice-creams and custard, but I am going to share with you something different, and these recipes do not only differ from your regular desserts but are also a way to delicious to resist.

Cold Coco

In a saucepan, boil 500 ML of milk. Now add around four tablespoons of sugar. In a separate bowl, take two tablespoons of cocoa powder and two tablespoons of custard powder. Now, add two cups of boiling milk and make a slurry. In the already heated milk, add that slurry and stir until thick. Now in a glass, add some crushed ice and the thick cocoa drink you just prepared, and boom, you have refreshing child thick cocoa, which can be enjoyed after your dinner or even as a meal replacement as it is too thick to handle.


This dessert is very popular in India. In a saucepan, add full cream milk, milk solids, and a can of condensed milk and stir until they reduce to half. When they reach the desired consistency, add some crushed almonds, cardamom, and saffron threads. Now fill your ice-cream mold with this mixture and freeze for eight hours. Enjoy!

Watermelon Sorbet-Sugarfree

Scoop out the flesh of your watermelon and freeze it overnight, along with a banana evenly chopped. After both are fully frozen, blend them in a high-speed blender and after they form a smooth paste, freeze them for at least 1 hour, and serve it with some mint leaves garnish.

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