Baby Talk: Gives the Gift of Speech to your Baby

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When you talk to your baby, you unknowingly help him learn the language. He hears your words and grasps them gradually. It enables him to learn the skill of speech, and slowly he starts speaking. Let us discuss this beautiful stage of learning of your bundle of joy. #ThinkWithNiche
Babies are the cutest little wonders of the world! They are our bundle of joy who take our hearts away with their innocence. Aah! It reminds me of my little one! God Bless her! Her naughty smile stays with you and sends a delightful streak to your heart! It is like this with all the babies! Every step of theirs fills you with excitement. The first smile and the first time they looked at you and the first time they learned to stand and their first step to walk, everything is a cynosure for your eyes!
Similarly, his cooing and the gurgling sound reverberate in your heart. You yearn to hear that sharp sound of laughter from your sweetie pie! And you try all sorts of things to bring out the shriek of joy. Our coo-chie coo, oo-lu-lu, cutie-pie, choti chiya, and mu-mu-mu bring a wave of happiness to the face of the baby.
They seem to be meaningless words, but little do we know that they are crucial for the speech of the little one. This tongue-twister way of speaking to the baby is called Baby Talk. People also refer to it as Motherese or Parentese because mothers especially cuddle their little ones in these unique tones. Our Baby Talk is very important for the tiny new pearls of life!
Baby Talk: Where Learning Begins!
Baby Talk, the sweet little nothings that we whisper in the ears of our little angel, may be helpful in their learning, according to a study. We are adults, and naturally, we do not have a problem in either reading or speaking. In reading, we can read every word because it is written separately. It is not so in speaking. In spoken language, the sound flows like a stream, and the listener has to separate the words using his knowledge and reflexes, and understanding.
We are educated, and we have no problem picking up the words, but what about our babies? They are new here. They are ignorant about the mannerisms of this world. The only one they recognize is their mother. They are innocent and have no idea that we have to speak to make our family understand what we need!
So how will a baby learn to speak? How will he separate words? A baby does not learn to separate words. He grasps it from his parents and his family. Yes, it is the baby talk that assists him in learning the language! Our way of speaking affects him. We have a unique way of conversing with the kids. The instinctive exaggerated pitch of our voice does not go unnoticed by the little one. He may develop a liking for it. Gradually he may pick up the sound of it!
Rhythm & Intonations: Sensing the Language
Babies grasp the sound and rhythm of the words they hear. The process begins when they are in the womb of their mother. The ears of the baby develop sufficiently when the mother is in the third month of her pregnancy. The intonation patterns of her voice transmit to the womb with the help of fluids. It is much like listening to someone while you are in a swimming pool.
The baby cannot understand the words in the womb. But he can identify the rhythm and intonation patterns. So when he is born, he can recognize only the sound of his mother. This way, even the babies can decipher another language because the intonation patterns and rhythm is different from what they already know! It signifies that your little bundle of joy is already in learning mode. And he is well prepared to take up the knowledge coming her way. He already recognizes the voice of her mother. He is interested in the intonation patterns and rhythm associated with them. So he slowly grasps the sweet baby talks we speak to our child.
Baby Talk: Making Own Words
According to research conducted by the University of Florida, babies can make their own words with the help of the baby talks. By saying small words in front of them, we teach them how it would sound when they speak it with their mouth. The researcher, Matthew Masapollo, says, “It seems to stimulate motor production of speech, not just perception of speech. It is not just goo-goo ga-ga.” It is essential for your child in many ways.
Boost Vocabulary & Language Skills of the Baby
Baby Talk helps the little ones control their voices at an early age. A study confirms that Baby Talk increases vocabulary. According to this study, the babies who had heard more baby talks knew 433 words. In comparison, the babies from the quieter families knew just 169 Kuhl. A pioneer in brain imaging says, “The more parents use Parentese naturally in their home when speaking to their children, the better and faster those language skills develop.” He says that the kids not just listen to us but start talking.
Baby Talk Strengthens the Brain
Baby Talk helps in the development of the brain of the baby. It stimulates the baby's brain, and he becomes ready to imbibe a new form of education. It also stimulates his senses, and he can learn everything easily.
Baby Talk Strengthens the Bond
Baby Talk strengthens the bond between the baby and his family. He or she likes the love and affection laced in the sweet talks. He tries to pick it and talk to the family members. This way, a strong bond is established between the baby and family. Baby Talk is therefore crucial for the health of the baby. Many parents are shy or do not like indulging in Baby talks, but the truth is that it does help your baby to make new words and develop a strong connection with you.
So stop being shy and start coo-chie cooing your kid. Who doesn't want a talkative or chatterbox at home? Whether playing with him, at bedtime, or while bathing, just indulge in the sweet doodling and encourage him to babble as it is the foundation stone of his learning! Lots of Love to the little Superstars!