Bollywood actor, Varun Dhawan has invested in the cloud kitchen firm, Curefoods. He has also linked a “long-term association” which makes him the brand ambassador of EatFit, the flagship under Curefoods.
Dawan's investment in Curefoods coincides with the launch of a multi-brand D2C grocery ordering platform that provides direct access to the Curefoods brand. The platform also enables a grocery subscription option for healthy grocery brands that customers can consume multiple times a month.
Ankit Nagori, the founder of Curefoods has said, “Having Varun Dhawan with Curefoods adds another level of association with him. His belief in our capabilities and vision really encourages us further to scale greater heights. We are excited to have him on board right around the time of our D2C platform launch and hope that we can make greater headway in the industry together.”
Curefoods recently announced the acquisition of Frozen Bottle and Sbarro franchise rights in South India. In January 2022, the company also raised $ 62 million from companies such as Iron Pillar, Chiratae Ventures, Sixteenth Street Capital, Accel Partners and Binny Bansal.