The world's most famous instant messaging app WhatsApp has recently blocked 23 lakh accounts. Actually, the company closes the account on the basis of complaints and on matters like spreading fake news. Now WhatsApp has also issued some important tips to protect the account from being banned. The company says that it bans accounts that are found to be in violation of the company's terms of service. These include large-scale accounts spreading false information related to fake news, scams, and fraud. It is worth noting that the company had closed 23 lakh accounts in just one month. If you are not sure whether there is truth in the WhatsApp message or not, then avoid sharing such forwarded messages. WhatsApp has already limited the number of messages forwarded. That is, you can only forward messages up to five chats at a time.
Avoid auto-messages or auto-dial and bulk messages. Such messages are kept in the category of spammers in WhatsApp machine learning technology. WhatsApp uses machine learning technology to detect and ban accounts that send unsolicited messages to users' complaints. Broadcast lists allow you to send messages to multiple people at once. In such a situation, people can report your message due to repeated use of messages and WhatsApp bans such accounts after repeated complaints. Any WhatsApp users you are adding to the group. Do take permission from him. If WhatsApp users do not want to join the group, then do not add them to the group without their consent.