A new version for Telegram Messenger has been released with additional features. The Telegram Emoji Platform, animated emoji in messages and captions, personalised emoji packs, the ability to gift Telegram Premium, a new privacy setting for voice messages, and other new features are among them. Telegram launches an Android and iOS app with animated and interactive emoticons.
Recently, Telegram launched its premium services in India and other countries. Access to special extra features will be available with a premium Telegram account. Along with its usual app update, the app has also included additional premium features to further enhance this experience. Also Read: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov accuses Apple of delaying a significant update.
Premium users can now send discounted, prepaid subscriptions for 3, 6, or 12 months to friends, family, and coworkers to share their exclusive experience. Animated Custom Emoji-Premium users can upload bespoke packs with various art forms and characters on this new open emoji platform. More than 500 Premium emoji are available in 10 initial bespoke emoji packs for Premium members. These brand-new animated emoticons can be used in media captions as well as messaging content. Non-premium users can view every custom emoji as well as use them in their Saved Messages conversation for free to give them a try.
Custom Interactive Emoji-Additionally, interactive emoji have been added to the custom emoji tool in Telegram. wherein any user can press to play synchronised, full-screen effects when sent in 1-on-1 chats. New iOS Emoji, GIF, and Sticker Panel-With separate tabs for stickers, GIFs, and emoji, exactly like on the Android, desktop, and web apps, the new sticker panel introduced in the most recent update has a fresh appearance on iOS. The GIF area of all apps now offers thousands of high-quality GIFs from users' preferred films and television series.
Users who adore interactive emoji may now take advantage of animated emoji that, when tapped in a one-on-one chat, provide a full-screen effect. These emojis can also be used as reactions by premium users. Additionally, any user can raise the counters for any exclusive reactions that Premium subscribers have already added to a message.