Sansera Engineering's Initial Public Offering (IPO) received a lukewarm response from investors when it opened for subscription earlier this month. According to data available at the stock exchange, investors bid over 13.88 crore shares against total issue size of 1.21 crore shares. On September 24, the Bengaluru-based auto component manufacturer will be listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange. The automaker will not receive any proceeds from the IPO directly. Sansera Engineering's stock was trading at Rs 35 in the unofficial market before the listing. Within the light vehicle segment, it is one of the top ten global suppliers of connecting rods. On an FY21 EPS basis, the issue is valued at 34.8x P/E, which is in line with the peer average of 34x. H2FY21 revenue increased by 37% year on year to Rs 910 crore. The margin trend has also remained stable. In FY21, the EBITDA margin was 17.6% and the NPM was 7.1 percent. The company's revenue growth figures for 2Ws and PV are far ahead of the auto industry's production volumes.