Director Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1 managed to cross Rs 230 crore at the box office worldwide in just three days. There is a tremendous craze in South India for PS-1, based on the story of the Chola dynasty. Many actors including Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Karthi, and Jayam Ravi are working on the film. It is a big-budget film. It is said that around Rs 200 crore has been spent in its first part itself.
According to reports, the Ponniyin Selvan movie made more than Rs 230 crore at international box offices. The film was released on Friday and earning more than 230 crores in just 3 days definitely gives the movie the label of a superhit. Not only this, but with this, the film has also become the fastest Tamil film to earn 200 crores. It has also broken the records of Tamil films 'Vikram' and 'Valimai' in terms of earnings in the first three days.
The first day's worldwide gross income of 'Ponniyin Selvan-1' was Rs 80 crores. On the second day, the film earned around Rs 70 crore worldwide, while on Sunday, the film again collected Rs 80 crore.
The story of the film is based on the Chola Empire. Director Mani Ratnam wants to reach this film to a maximum audience. Recently, he came to Mumbai and met the owners of the multiplex series. It is being said that the meeting was successful and the price of PS-1 tickets will be Rs 100 across India.