The telecom giant Airtel also unveiled two new prepaid plans not long after rival Reliance Jio introduced Independence Day deals for its prepaid customers. Airtel is providing a number of advantages for its subscribers, all at a fair price of between 519 and 779 rupees. Reliance Jio, on the other hand, unveiled a plan for 750 and 2999 rupees. Plans with lots of perks are available from both telecom behemoths at affordable prices.
519 Airtel plan-There is 60-day validity period for this plan. With this package, users can send up to 100 SMS everyday and consume 1.5GB of data. Furthermore, it provides limitless voice calling. Free hello songs, a 100 cashback on FASTag, and three months of Apollo 24/7 Circle are all available to prepaid subscribers.
Plan Airtel 779-There is 90-day validity duration for this plan. With this package, users can send up to 100 SMS everyday and consume 1.5GB of data. Furthermore, it provides limitless voice calling. Free hello songs, a 100 cashback on FASTag, and three months of Apollo 24/7 Circle are all available to prepaid subscribers.