Mankind Pharma, a prominent player in India’s pharmaceutical industry, has announced its foray into the topical analgesic sector through its consumer business division. This new venture is marked by the launch of Nimulid Strong, a groundbreaking product specifically designed to alleviate neck pain, which can significantly impact overall body function and quality of life.
Nimulid Strong is introduced as a revolutionary gel and spray formulation that addresses neck pain with enhanced efficacy. According to the company’s press statement, the product is distinguished by its unique formulation, featuring a 2X concentration of diclofenac. This higher concentration is intended to offer faster and more effective relief for individuals suffering from neck pain, positioning Nimulid Strong as a specialized solution in the topical analgesic market.
The launch of Nimulid Strong is a strategic move for Mankind Pharma, reflecting its commitment to expanding its consumer healthcare portfolio. By focusing on neck pain, a condition that can severely disrupt daily activities and overall well-being, Mankind Pharma aims to address a critical need in pain management. This entry into the topical analgesic market aligns with the company’s broader objective of providing high-quality, effective healthcare solutions to a diverse consumer base.
Nimulid Strong’s key selling point is its double concentration of diclofenac, which is intended to provide quicker and more potent relief compared to standard formulations. The product is available in both gel and spray variants, offering consumers flexibility and convenience in application. This dual-format approach caters to different preferences and use scenarios, enhancing the product’s appeal and accessibility.
To support the launch of Nimulid Strong, Mankind Pharma has rolled out an engaging video campaign titled #GardanHilaateRaho. The campaign emphasizes the cultural importance of neck movements in India and how they impact daily life. The message, "Gardan dard ka specialist" (Specialist in neck pain), positions Nimulid Strong as the go-to solution for managing neck pain, highlighting its relevance to everyday interactions and cultural practices.
Joy Chatterjee, Vice President and Sales and Marketing Head of the Consumer Business Unit at Mankind Pharma, emphasized the significance of this launch. He noted that by targeting neck pain, which affects numerous individuals, Nimulid Strong aims to empower users to live and communicate more freely. The campaign’s focus on neck movements underscores the product’s unique value proposition and its role in improving quality of life.
Nimulid Strong will be distributed through pharmacies and modern trade outlets across India. The extensive distribution network is supported by a comprehensive marketing campaign across various media platforms, ensuring wide visibility and accessibility for consumers. This strategic approach is designed to maximize the product’s reach and impact within the competitive topical analgesic market.
The topical analgesic market in India is valued at ₹1488 crore, according to data from IQVIA. Mankind Pharma’s entry into this market with Nimulid Strong is a timely and strategic move, aimed at capturing a significant share of the growing sector. By addressing specific pain management needs and leveraging its established distribution network and strong brand reputation, Mankind Pharma is well-positioned to make a substantial impact in the market.
The launch of Nimulid Strong represents a significant advancement in Mankind Pharma’s consumer healthcare segment. With its innovative 2X diclofenac formulation, dual application formats, and targeted marketing campaign, Nimulid Strong is set to address a prevalent issue in pain management effectively. This new product underscores Mankind Pharma’s ongoing commitment to delivering high-quality, affordable healthcare solutions, reinforcing its position as a leading player in the pharmaceutical industry. The strategic entry into the topical analgesic market highlights the company’s dedication to meeting evolving consumer needs and expanding its market presence.