Indian Railways Introduces Body Cameras for Ticket Checkers

06 May 2023
6 min read

News Synopsis

Pilot Project in Mumbai Aims to Ensure Transparency and Prevent Misbehavior on Trains

Indian Railways has announced a new initiative to provide body cameras to ticket checkers in an effort to increase transparency and prevent unruly behavior on trains. The Central Railway has launched a pilot project in the Mumbai Division, where 50 body cameras have been provided to ticket checkers. The cameras, which can record up to 20 hours of footage, have been procured at a cost of Rs 9,000 each. If the pilot project proves to be successful, the use of body cameras could be expanded to other divisions across the rail network.

The introduction of body cameras is expected to help maintain transparency during ticket checking and prevent misbehavior and violent acts. It will also help detect any discrepancy during ticket checking, particularly in the event of complaints, and increase accountability, professionalism, and staff protection. "The initiative would also help detect any discrepancy during ticket checking, particularly in the event of complaints, and would further increase accountability, induce professionalism, and protect staff from reputational damage," said a spokesperson of the Central Railway.

The move comes after incidents of misbehavior and violent acts were reported on board trains. Recently, a travelling ticket examiner was suspended after he allegedly misbehaved with a woman passenger in the Central Railway. The body cameras are expected to act as a deterrent against such incidents.

While several police forces in India have been using body cameras, studies over the past decade have concluded that the cameras did not live up to their expectations. However, officials hope that the body cameras will act as a deterrent against bad behavior and malpractice on trains. The Central Railway spokesperson added, "The body cameras would help maintain transparency during ticket checking and prevent misbehavior and violent acts. The initiative would also help detect any discrepancy during ticket checking, particularly in the event of complaints, and would further increase accountability, induce professionalism, and protect staff from reputational damage,"


The Indian Railways' decision to provide body cameras to ticket checkers is a step towards ensuring transparency, accountability, and professionalism in the ticket checking process. The pilot project of providing 50 body cameras to ticket checkers in the Mumbai division will help detect any discrepancy during ticket checking, prevent misbehavior, and violent acts, and increase staff protection from reputational damage. While there have been mixed results from previous studies on the effectiveness of body cameras in law enforcement agencies, officials hope that the cameras will act as a deterrent against bad behavior and malpractice on board trains. If successful, this initiative can be replicated across the Indian rail network, providing a safer and more transparent experience for passengers and staff alike.


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