Admit it if you are a college student, a writer, or a working professional you must have used Grammarly just to be absolutely sure that you don’t commit any grammatical mistakes or typos. Grammarly needs no introduction. It is an online writing assistant headquartered in America. Well, guess what, just by fixing our writing mistakes two of the three co-founders of Grammarly- Max Lytvyn and Alex Shevchenko just became billionaires. Grammarly was started by three Ukrainians in 2009. Currently, the online writing assistant has more than 30 million daily users worldwide. Last year it secured its place amongst the 10 most valuable startups in the U.S. when its valuation exceeded $13 billion after a funding deal. "We saw our business accelerate with the move to remote work. In the past, people were left to their own devices to figure out how to communicate well. We're now at a very unique point in time to use software to enable people to communicate," Chief Executive Officer Brad Hoover told Bloomberg.