Global Experts Outline G20 Strategies for Women’s Empowerment in Agri-food Systems

17 Oct 2023
5 min read

News Synopsis

Global experts and researchers at the International Gender Conference 2023  "From Research to Impact: Towards Just and Resilient Agri-food Systems" have concluded that strengthening women's leadership and empowerment in agri-food systems is essential to boosting agricultural productivity, food security and nutrition, and resilience to the effects of climate change.

The conference was held in New Delhi from October 9-12, 2023, and was organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. It came just after the G20 Summit, where G20 leaders pledged to promote women-led development and women's leadership in food security, nutrition, and climate action.

The conference participants presented a wealth of research-backed evidence showing that intentionally designing agricultural projects, programs, and policies to empower women benefits everyone involved. This includes increased agricultural productivity, improved child nutrition, improved dietary diversity, increased food security, and increased resilience to climate change.

Key Findings and Timely Relevance:

Following the recent G20 Summit's commitment to promoting women-led development, the conference affirms the critical role of women's leadership in food security, nutrition, and climate action.

Research-backed evidence underscores that intentionally empowering women in agricultural projects yields widespread benefits, including increased productivity, enhanced child nutrition, dietary diversity, food security, and resilience to climate change.

Best Practices for Empowerment:

The formation of Farmer Producer Organisations and collectives emerges as a best-practice strategy to enhance women's access to markets, resources, and agency. The conference emphasizes that just and resilient agri-food systems necessitate women's active participation in innovation, decision-making, and policy formation.

G20 Leaders' Focus Areas:

Dr. Seema Jaggi, Assistant Director General (HRD) of ICAR, highlights four priority areas identified by G20 leaders - investments in food security and nutrition, climate-smart approaches, inclusive agricultural value chains, and digitalization for agricultural transformation. ICAR and CGIAR are poised to play crucial roles in guiding these priority areas.

Call to Action - Strengthening Research Connections:

Dr. Ranjitha Puskur, Country Representative for India and Research Leader of Gender and Livelihoods at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), issues a call to action for stronger connections between researchers and research users. This underscores the importance of translating research into impactful practices for resilient agri-food systems.

International Participation and Deliberations:

The conference saw active participation from delegates representing nearly 60 countries. Four plenary sessions, 54 parallel sessions, and six poster sessions provided a platform to deliberate on how agricultural gender research can contribute to creating more resilient and equitable agri-food systems.

Latest facts on women's empowerment and leadership in agri-food systems:

  • Women make up 43% of the agricultural workforce globally, but they own less than 20% of agricultural land and receive only 10% of agricultural credit.

  • Closing the gender gap in agriculture could increase agricultural output by 2-4%.

  • Women farmers reinvest 90% of their earnings in their families and communities, compared to 30-40% for men farmers.

  • Investing in women farmers is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty and hunger.


The International Gender Conference "From Research to Impact: Towards Just and Resilient Agri-food Systems" made a significant contribution to advancing our understanding of the critical role of women's empowerment and leadership in agri-food systems. 


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