Fresh Wave Looms In Kerala As Covid-19 Numbers Rise Again

31 Jul 2021
6 min read

News Synopsis

India is one of the countries that had faced a hard time due to the coronavirus. It cost thousands of lives and impacted many families. Certainly, the number of cases has decreased but based on what scientists and medical professionals are stating, India will soon confront a third wave, most likely in August or September. The recent spikes in the number of cases in Karela prove just that.

Despite the fact that this is a critical period, many state governments have relaxed their lockdown laws and regulations. People have also begun to go out in large numbers. We've all seen the recent Manali photos that have surfaced on the internet. Hundreds of people congregated in a limited area. To ensure that India does not face the same difficulties as it did from March to May. We've already seen how quickly our medical infrastructure can disintegrate. As a result, both state and national governments should take advantage of the low number of COVID-19 cases to improve India's medical infrastructure. As for citizens, it is critical that we all adhere to COVID-19 standards as closely as possible and get vaccinated as soon as possible.


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