Freedom Struggle 1857:  First Struggle For The Independence

04 Aug 2022
7 min read

News Synopsis

The revolution of 1857 played an important role in liberating India. This revolution has the status of the first struggle for the independence of India. At present time, in the form of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the whole country is paying tribute to the great heroes of freedom. India's PM Narendra Modi has also started the 'Har Ghar Tricolor' campaign. Under this, a call has been given to hoist the tricolor in every house. On the other hand, if we talk about the revolution of 1857, now the Government of India has also emphasized in the new education policy that it should not be considered as a mere rebellion but should be considered the first freedom struggle reality.

By the way, the British tried their best to suppress this revolution. But it was not easy to end this revolution, which grew out of the oppression of the Indians under British rule. Indian soldiers started an organized revolution on 10 May 1857 against the British i.e. the British East India Company Raj. This struggle started in Meerut and very soon it spread rapidly to many important places in the country. The wave of this revolution had reached all parts of India. The patriotic fighters who died for the country raised the challenge of their rebellion in front of the British government on a very large scale. The British government was horrified by this. The British government tried its best to ruthlessly suppress this revolution like a beast. Even though this revolution did not overthrow the British, but its seeds were laid in this freedom struggle itself. Whereas the British took a lot of lessons from this revolution and made every effort so that the British would always run their rule. This was the reason that the Britishers, afraid of the revolution of 1857, had to make many changes in governance.


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