Bosses At Microsoft Want Employees To Come To Office And Work : Satya Nadella

29 Sep 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Now that COVID cases have significantly decreased, the majority of companies irrespective of their industry, are calling employees back to the workplace. While management wants their staff back in the office, the majority of workers are still having difficulty getting to work every day. Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, is now discussing the culture of working from home. According to him, Microsoft prefers that staff members work in the office setting since they think remote workers are less productive. Employees at Microsoft feel differently.

According to a report from Windows Central, Nadella stated that some bosses have doubts about the culture of working from home. The report quoted Nadella as saying, "We have to get past what we describe as 'productivity paranoia,' because all of the data we have that shows that 80 percent plus of the individual people feel they're very productive — except their management thinks that they're not productive,"  That indicates a significant discrepancy between expectations and actual feelings, he continued.

The CEO of Microsoft mentioned a significant internal survey about the culture of working from home. According to the survey, Nadella stated that 87% of Microsoft employees believe working from home increases their productivity. Approximately 80% of Microsoft's managerial layer believes that workers who work from home are less productive. At Microsoft, the fight over work from home is still going strong.

Nadella-headed Microsoft currently permits a hybrid work environment in which employees are permitted to work 50% of the time from home and 50% in the office. Other tech firms, such as Google, Apple, and a few more are continually calling their employees back to the office. Additionally, these companies are trying harder to persuade them to return to the workplace.


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