The chief minister of West Bengal Mamta Banerjee has said that the state has received investment proposals worth Rs 3.42 trillion during this year’s business summit. A press release released by the state government mentioned that multinational companies have expressed interest in their business interest in Bengal.
These companies include Microsoft, IBM, Adani Group, ITC, KfW, Tata-Hitachi, Gainwell Engineering, LOGOS, Wacker Metroark Chemicals, Big Dutchman International GmbH, and Meyn.
Mamta Banerjee said while addressing the valedictory session of the Bengal Global Business Summit that 137 Memoranda of Understanding and letters of intent were signed for investments.
The Chief Minister of Bengal also claimed that the summit would create 4 million jobs across sectors. The two-day event was attended by 4,300 participants from 42 countries, she said.