According to Reports, Larry Ellison Participated in a Call to Discuss the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election Results

21 May 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

The Washington Post stated that Oracle co-founder, chairman, and chief technology officer Larry Ellison called many conservative personalities in November 2020 to explore plans for challenging the legitimacy of the presidential election results. According to court records and an unidentified call participant, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity, Donald Trump's attorney Jay Sekulow, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Jim Bopp, an attorney for True the Vote, were also on the call.

The court documents were discovered as part of a legal battle against True the Vote, a group that has promoted false accusations of massive election fraud. More recently, the group collaborated with conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza on a highly panned documentary about "ballot mules."

According to the Post, True the Vote's founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, in a note included in the legal filings said, "Jim was on a call this evening with Jay Sekulow, Lindsey O. Graham, Sean Hannity, and Larry Ellison. He described what we were doing, and they requested a preliminary report as soon as possible, to be used to mobilise their troops internally."


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