Why Handmade Paper Business Is Rising In The Evolution Of Business Industries?

13 Feb 2023
5 min read

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The paper and board industry in India provides a variety of options for resource-constrained innovations. The development of the handmade paper sector has significant potential to meet the rising demand for paper products in an environmentally sustainable manner for a developing nation like India, which is confronted with increasing limitations of raw resources, energy sources, and capital. Production of handmade paper is not centralised in large-scale facilities, employs only non-forest raw materials, and is especially well-suited to internal recycling.

Handmade papers business have become a huge strategic product when it comes to marketing as they are eco-friendly. The USP of the product is itself a boon in disguise. They can be recycled thus reducing the effects of harmful substances that get radiated to the eco-system.


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The handmade paper business is quite a unique yet harm-free one to venture into. Materials like wood, grass, waste paper, cotton, jute, etc are some of the products that are low in cost and can be easily purchased from almost anywhere. This business needs a minimum investment but holds a great deal when it comes to business strategies.

Nowadays, the export of handmade papers is also possible which helps in creating a suitable plan for a business if handled with unique strategies of marketing.

History Of handmade paper-making business

The handmade paper-making business made its advent in the 8th century. It was a successful method that helped in the usage of paper till the paper mill came into existence. The patent name that was given to the makers of the handmade papers was 'Kagazies'. These papers were created with waste papers and fibers of bananas.

Indian Paper Industry 

In India, demand for paper and board will undoubtedly increase as the economy of the nation expands during the ensuing decades. By the year 2000, per capita consumption is anticipated to increase from the current 2.5 kg to 4 kg. In comparison to consumption per person in many industrialized nations, this number is still quite modest. In the next six years, India's total paper and board production is expected to increase from 2.2 million to 4 million tonnes.

The manufacturing of paper, like other industries, requires a steady supply of raw materials. The previously employed wood-based resources will become increasingly scarce and uneconomical due to the pressures now placed on forests. Their dearth has already caused the Indian paper industry's capacity utilization to drop. Currently, paper and board mills are operating at 60% of their potential. 0.86 million tonnes of installed capacity have been rendered obsolete in recent years due to a variety of factors, such as energy constraints and stricter emission control regulations.

On the other hand, handmade paper products are mostly limited by low demand. The enormous untapped potential of the handmade paper sector cannot be ignored in a world where the emphasis is unmistakably shifting to environmentally friendly products and production methods. The growth of this industry presents a significant opportunity for India, a developing nation with a growing lack of money, energy, and natural resources, to accomplish its development goals and meet the demand for both local and export products

Indian Paper Industry's Global Position

India ranks as the world's 15th-largest center for the production of paper. In India, about 13 million tonnes of paper are produced annually.

Approximately 2.6% of the world's paper is produced in India.

Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Orrisa, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka are the key states in India that produce the most paper.

Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala are more states that produce a measurably good amount of paper.

India's demand for papermaking machinery is increasing

The expansion of paper mills has increased the demand for papermaking equipment. As a result, the paper industry also includes a sizable portion of the machinery sector that supports it all.

The papermaking machine is an integrated assembly of many pieces of equipment and machinery that performs various activities to produce paper. Papermaking is a drawn-out process that calls for a variety of ingredients, from the raw material to the addition of chemicals and scents.

Over time, India has developed a number of significant machinery industries that now dominate the pulp and paper manufacturing business.

How to Make a Handmade Paper

This is one of a kind product with some ethereal features for the market leaders. As people are used to paper made through the machine it can take some time for them to change their preferences. But as time goes they are switching their preferences towards nature-friendly products and producers keeping the protection of nature upfront.

These handmade papers are convenient in more than one way. Handmade paper is quite flexible when it comes to drawing patterns in a definite form. They are mostly accustomed according to the customer. It is strong and durable. They can be used for different things and are not easily affected by water. The paper has a smooth texture that gives a great writing experience. You can eliminate plastic decorations for celebrations. Using handmade paper decoration is so handy and helpful in all measures. They are purely recycled and wholesome natural when it comes to the environment.

Potential and characteristics of producing handmade paper

The main characteristic that distinguishes units that produce handmade paper is that all of their processes are done by hand. Pure cellulosic (or raw) materials would be pulped using mechanical processes rather than chemical ones. In actuality, the handmade paper industry as it currently exists only uses secondary resources. Although there is no practical restriction on the size of handmade paper mills, in India they are frequently restricted to a manufacturing capacity of 300 tonnes annually.

The cumulative output of India's 310 active handmade paper production facilities, according to the Khadi & Village Industries commission, is around 7000 tonnes per year. With 5300 employees, this industry generates $2.5 million worth of commodities.

The handmade paper industry only employs raw materials derived from non-forest sources. Currently, it exclusively makes use of cellulose-rich materials like cotton rags, used paper, and scrap kraft. This may easily be expanded to include the utilisation of agricultural waste and biomass materials, some of which can be raised expressly for the manufacture of handmade paper. The ability to convert non-wood biomass resources through environmentally acceptable techniques is an additional benefit. For the use of straws, rice husk, and grasses, certain actions have already been taken in this area.

Additionally, there are numerous options for recycling inside the paper manufacturing facility. It is relatively convenient to recycle paper trash from industries that utilise paper extensively for reuse in the parent industry, which frequently results in cost savings. Additionally, there are prospects for integrating paper recycling systems with a variety of sectors, including those producing industrial filters, packaging, and printing.

Development Alternatives has evaluated the performance of the Indian paper industry at all stages in an effort to create efficient solutions for small-scale paper production. This research was based on information from operating units as well as industry journals and data on technology, trade, and production.

The Indian paper industry can be broken down into the following four groups:

Large-scale (integrated) facilities produce 50,000 tonnes or more annually;

medium-scale units produce 10,000 to 50,000 tonnes annually;

small agro-based units produce up to 10,000 tonnes annually;

and handmade paper units produce 60 to 300 tonnes annually.

Also Read: Green Hydrogen Industry In India: An Overview

Figuring Out The Potential Market

Handmade papers show a bright future when it comes to the growth of the Paper industry in India. It has got exquisite features and is showing demand in the international market. This business sector holds a value of $ 2.5 million. Most of the handmade papers are exported to U.S.A, U.K, Germany, Netherlands, and Egypt.

As we have already mentioned that the cost of starting a handmade paper business is low. The business needs to start with flexible expenses if the management team is small.

For a proper business, renting an office area is a must-have. To cut off the rent you can run your business from your home. Or you can even rent a place in collaboration with other business creators. If you desire to showcase your product to the customers, have a showcase area for your products. You can place your art pieces there and the customers can choose products according to their preferences without causing confusion. Showrooms can be rented on a monthly basis or even a large down payment, depending upon the size of the place and the time you want to rent it for,

After the product is made the next step is the packaging. So that it can be distributed after the sale is made. The design you have on your package is the design that grabs the attention of the customers. That is why the logo on the packaging is mandatory. You can also hire a design expert to design the packaging of the product. Some prefer to create their logo through different software tools whereas some like to get their logos designed by artists. It is a must to have a logo for your business. It can be anything that represents your brand and the customers can identify your brand through it.

Handmade papers have become a huge strategic product when it comes to marketing as they are eco-friendly. The USP of the product is a boon itself. The product being eco-friendly is a huge plus point for marketing. Along with being eco-friendly, it can be recycled which helps in reducing the effects of harmful substances that get radiate in the ecosystem.

The human being is considered the most intelligent of all species and it gives us the power to make a change. But we all know that with great power comes great responsibility. So it is our responsibility to do something that is good for our environment. Let us create an environment that feels organic inside out! 


India has a flourishing paper industry due to its huge population. The country's economy is strengthened by the employment generated by the paper sector. Paper manufacturing in India improves by specific metrics each year, which is unmistakably a sign of growth.

A large portion of the public prefers to utilize biodegradable paper over plastic and other environmentally harmful products as environmental awareness grows.

As a result, the Indian paper sector is not expected to suffer in the upcoming years. More people ought to step forward and work to change current business trends.

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