Value of Appreciation at Work

06 Dec 2021
7 min read

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"You are a good writer!" This one line from an Editor made me feel confident about my job. I was encouraged to write more and try hard to improve my work. Such is the power of appreciation at work! It motivates you to work harder. In this blog, let us learn about the power of appreciation and how it can bring out the best at our workplace. #ThinkWithNiche


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“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of Appreciation for Goodness!” - Dalai Lama

Indeed, this quotation by the great Dalai Lama perfectly illustrates the goodness of appreciation. 'Appreciation' appears to be a small word, but it can be a big source of encouragement for a person. It can motivate him to grow as an individual. There is no need for a gold medal here, but just one line of appreciation can take him on the path of development, while at the same time, it can be highly demotivating if his efforts go unnoticed. According to a survey conducted by, about 35% of people were of the view that lack of recognition or appreciation of their work was a big reason for low productivity. It is very easy to point out a mistake, but it becomes very difficult rather unimportant to say a line of praise? Why? It takes no time to recognize a good effort. Why do we then restrain ourselves from applauding a good job? What is appreciation, and why is it important? 

What is Appreciation, and Why is it Important?

Appreciation is a sweet little word but which has infinite virtues. The meaning of appreciation is 'recognizing the good qualities or efforts of someone. "You have done a good job!" It is just a simple sentence, but it fills him with confidence and love for his workplace. You do not have to search for a gold medal to praise someone. Just a few good words or a pat on the back is enough to motivate him! You can also show your appreciation by saying a small "Thank you!" You can also show your appreciation by just expressions! My father once told me that he got newly appointed as a Lecturer in his College. He had to take the Chapel, and he was quite nervous and homesick. When it got over, his Principal came to him and very affectionately, fixing his tie, said, "Where are you staying? Tell me if there is a problem!" This one gesture of the Principal was enough to show his appreciation. It gave my father the confidence to settle in college. He stayed there till his retirement. Appreciation can instill positivity in a person. One can also show appreciation with the help of incentives. A small increment or a gift can make the person happy. These days, gift vouchers are working well as a way of showing appreciation. And when a person is putting in his hard work, a little token of appreciation is not bad! Is it? You might think, "Are Promotions and Bonuses not enough to show your appreciation?" The answer would be "No!" Sometimes you need to express that you are impressed! Try it just once and see the results for yourself – 

  • Appreciation enhances Performance – When the employee comes to know that he is getting recognized for his efforts, he works harder to maintain his performance. He tries to make it even better. Not only this, he tries to give his input to another department as well. On the contrary, it can discourage him if his work goes unrecognized. He can become disinterested in his job. 
  • Appreciation works as a Morale Booster - Appreciation works as a morale booster at the workplace. It creates a ripple effect. If you praise an employee, he would be happy. And he would be encouraged to appreciate his subordinates, and the cycle will continue. It would transform the environment of the entire office and make it positive!
  • Appreciation works as a Stress-buster - The workplace we all know can be very stressful. Daily Projects, Meetings, and deadlines can put you under tremendous pressure. When your boss ignores your efforts, you wish to run away. In comparison, when he pats your back, you feel the burden has lifted from your heart. You become stress-free and happy.
  • Appreciation develops Loyalty in the Staff - Lack of Appreciation at work can be very demoralizing. You put in your best efforts every time but still, you do not get the recognition you deserve. What's more, someone else gets the credit for your hard work! It can be very disheartening, and your employee is not wrong if he loses interest in his work. In comparison, few words of encouragement can infuse new energy in him. He would become dedicated to his job.
  • Appreciation converts Laziness into Liveliness - Certainly! Appreciation works like magic. You can use it to change the temperament of an employee. If an employee is a bit lethargic and does not work as expected, you can praise him for a minute achievement or even just like that and encourage him to work hard. You can make him realize his value for the company and bring him right on track.
  • Appreciation leads to Success - When you appreciate a person, you fill his heart with happiness. The negativity within him changes into positivity, and he spreads this positivity wherever he goes! Especially his co-workers and subordinates gain the most! Everybody around him catches the happiness, and the mindset of the entire workplace becomes positive. A happy staff builds a happy company, and a happy company is successful! 


Such are the fruits of Appreciation at Work! When we are in control, we seldom think about these little values. What is the importance of a 'Thank you?' But in reality, it has a positive effect on people. It soothes them from within and changes the environment. One of our helpers at home becomes a hundred times more energetic when we appreciate him. It gives him immense happiness when we praise him. So begin appreciating people and build a rare culture of Happiness, Dedication, and Success in your workplace!

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