Taking Critical Wisdom While Adjusting To New Normal

06 Sep 2021
8 min read

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We clung to feelings that someday we might die of Covid-19, but God is gracious, we strode through the pandemic like a healthy bear! Some forgot their loved ones, while others stayed gripped by the memories of near and dear ones #ThinkWithNiche


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Pandemic left most of our lives into a big mess. With some challenges and takeaways, wisdom is something that draws us closer to our roots. Bringing out a human approach to certain events at the crux of a pandemic can make us fall hard on our heels. But not when one learns wisdom from these tough times, all it takes is efforts to pull adjustments swiftly. Despite standing in the Centre of the earth, we are spun by first world problems. And they rise like a mountain again and again. It becomes hard to come to terms with harsh reality which is stubborn to admit. Here are some of the noteworthy takeaways to glance at before we drive ourselves closer to this pandemic farewell. 
Critical Wisdom

Throughout this journey, we became critical of self-evaluation and dug deep into our mind, body and soul. Polishing our strengths and weaknesses, watering our minds with optimism has become the need of the hour. We realized that life is too short to crib about even the little things. The most important lesson that we learned was to stop taking things for granted. After the majority of us lost jobs, that one crucial thing that permeated into us and stirred our souls was (be grateful for what you have!) So many people just grabbed the opportunities that rowed their boat, be it big or small, since all of us were in need of something during the pandemic, to fill dark pits of the abyss into something resourceful. Reworking on mental health also became crucial at such trying times, nearly everyone was running back and forth to healers, counselors, friends and family members for cordial advice. It was only during the pandemic, glancing inside our souls became possible. The ‘empathy factor’ that most of us lacked or did not display pre-pandemic suddenly stepped foot in certain situations. 

Adjusting To ‘New Normal’ 

Ages ago human-clan often looked down upon employees who opted to work from home. Now, the days are gone, since pandemic reshaped people’s daily routines and rituals, some have adjusted quite well in terms of work, education, and spending quality time with family.  A 22-year-old content writer Ishita Shah hailing from Mumbai suburbs put forth her experiences regarding work from home jobs. Ishita states that most writing jobs that she has been assigned from the past couple of years remain remote. With an incalculable boost in population and pollution, she feels comfortable in the four corners of her home. As opposed to work from home jobs, another content writer Gurleen Kaur who resides in Lucknow spoke at length regarding her pandemic experiences and how she adjusted to work from home environment. Gurleen believes working in the physical office brings immense opportunities and one does not feel stagnant. While it has become easier for networking, and seeing the entire nation shift to digital platforms overnight, the internet has become a one-stop destination for shopping, giving ourselves little treats, ordering savouries, video calling friends and co-workers. Virtual living has become a part of life. It has even boosted home-grown business. Most of us are used to it. We hardly feel like stepping outside our homes and donning glamorous clothes to go outdoors. Forcing ourselves to leave the couch has become a daunting task. Even little things in life feel extraordinary during the horror of pandemics. This ‘new normal’ somehow turned into a dystopian reality, and that is when fear stirred our hearts. We clung to feelings that someday we might die of Covid-19, but God is gracious, we strode through the pandemic like a healthy bear! Some forgot their loved ones, while others stayed gripped by the memories of near and dear ones. 

TWN In-Focus