5 Rules for Developing a Digital Mindset

12 May 2022
5 min read

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For several years, the term "digital mindset" has been used in articles on social media sites and in business literature. But what exactly is behind it, and why is a digital mindset so important?

A digital mindset is more than just being able to use technology. It is, rather, a set of behavior and attitudes that allow people and organizations to anticipate possibilities. Social networking, big data, mobility, cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics are just a few of the major digital influences that are interrupting and subverting the world today, suffusing every aspect of society and business. Organizations must be able to build and execute a business strategy that accounts for the big shifts caused by these forces in order to thrive. #TWN


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Analog is a term of the old world now. All we understand is digital, and to do that, we need to have a digital mindset. Now you might be wondering what a digital mindset is. To answer that question, I am writing this blog. But before I can answer, let’s establish the fact that you might need to hear.

Digital is about people as much as it is about tech. In the Digital Age, efficiency is about seamlessly integrating people and technology. As a result, being able to utilize technology in their daily responsibilities and extract value from it is an important part of functioning in the current landscape.

Digital Mindset – What is it?

A digital mindset is more than just being able to use technology. It is, rather, a set of behavior and attitudes that allow people and organizations to anticipate possibilities. Social networking, big data, mobility, cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics are just a few of the major digital influences that are interrupting and subverting the world today, suffusing every aspect of society and business. Organizations must be able to build and execute a business strategy that accounts for the big shifts caused by these forces in order to thrive.

Organizations, on the other hand, are about people. To succeed, an organization must have the right people, and a Digital Organization needs people with a Digital Mindset, which is characterized by the ability to:

  • Recognize the ability of technology to democratize teams and processes.
  • Adapt to the output scale and accelerate all types of interactions and actions.
  • Recognize the significance of interconnectedness.
  • Face the changes and disruptions with calm.

It is critical to emphasize that being tech-savvy does not imply having a digital mindset. Being digitally savvy simply demonstrates an individual's ability to use technological tools and helps to develop a digital mindset more smoothly if they are willing to do so. In the digital age, however, failing to establish a digital mindset has disastrous consequences.

Why Digital Mindset is Important?

For a moment, consider generational cohorts. It is frequently stated that Gen-Xers are genetically programmed to ask "WHAT" they need to do, whereas Millennials are genetically programmed to ask "WHY" they need to do it. Because of the long-standing struggle for power and personal accountability between the two generations, generational diversity is a hot topic in the modern workplace. However, in the Digital Age, both generational cohorts may find themselves at a disadvantage, as the important question to ask is 'HOW' should we do it.

About the prerequisites of digitalization, six personality dispositions critical to success that define a digital mindset, especially in a work-related context, can be identified:

  • Flexibility and agility
  • Proactivity
  • Motivating creativity and design
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Critical abilities
  • Adaptability in the face of failure

How to Develop a Digital Mindset? Is There a Way?

Developing a Digital Mindset is something that you must try and adapt. It is something that will take you along the way when digitalization is at its peak. Here are five rules for developing a digital mindset as a person and a leader:

  1. Leaders search for things that work and then replicate them.

Leaders in digital transformation transform 3 times as many procedures as underperformers. They are constantly looking for ways to repurpose technology across their organizations. "When considering each procedure, leaders also consider what other procedures might utilize the same technologies.

  1. Leaders observe new tech emerging and opt for it strategically.

According to the Accenture study, 83 percent of leaders believe it is critical to disentangle data from old infrastructure, compared to 37 percent of underperformers. Underperformers tend to patch and sustain, whereas businesses in the middle may see trying to move from an on-premises data center to the cloud as a cost-cutting "lift-and-shift" move. Leaders, on the other hand, "see the cloud as more than just a data center." They see it as a motivator for cross-silos and cross-business innovation."

  1. Wait and see attitude is a no-go for leaders.

"Investing in the right technology at the right time reaps big dividends," Daugherty and his team explain. When asked about the adoption of 28 various technologies by companies, they discover that "while most businesses hold back, leaders leap." Most laggards, they discover, "experiment with new tech on the cutting edge, but do not plan or implement new technology innovations into their core processes." Consider Saas delivered via the cloud. Five years ago, approximately 20% of leaders used SaaS, compared to 8% of laggards. Today, 90% of representatives are confident in their SaaS knowledge, compared to 29% of underperformers.

  1. They upskill their Employees.

The goal is to develop and deploy a workforce that is augmented by technology. Leaders use the technique to make work more engaging while gaining efficiency. These activities help them build stronger relationships with their employees. In comparison to 35% of laggards, 86% of leaders use experiential learning in conjunction with intelligent ai technologies, analytics, and deep learning to anticipate and match worker training with mandatory job skills and even reinterpret job descriptions.

  1. No boundaries for them when it’s about human potential and technology.

Leaders who embrace a tech strategy based on boundaryless, adaptable, and radically human systems position their organizations to become increasingly agile and capable of enterprise-scale innovation. According to the Accenture team, "By taking this route, they can manage investments in technology and record their value, even in emerging areas. 94% of representatives track the significance of AI-based automation, compared to 47% of laggards."


A digital mindset will make you stand out from the crowd. Such a mindset makes a leader a true representative of a firm. The rules mentioned above for the development of a digital mindset must be tried and applied in daily life.

TWN In-Focus