IFS How Too Much Information Is Harming Us

23 Nov 2021
4 min read

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Additional information becomes noise after the capacity is exceeded, resulting in a decline in information processing and decision making. In this article we will explore how too much information is harming us and affecting our mental health. If you also feel victimized by the “data smog” and feel suffering from Information Fatigue Syndrome IFS. This Article will take you to a journey to change the scenario for yourself and loved ones. #ThinkWithNiche


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According to Joseph Ruff of the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Learning Innovations Laboratory LILA, we are inundated with so much data that we are experiencing information overdose, he is also the author of "Information Overload: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions."

Due to the diverse opinions given on numerous websites, the World Wide Web (Internet) has helped us to make a better choice of data into information. However, once the information seeker's information input reaches critical mass, the internet's potential to gather and impart knowledge also reached a threshold. Our capacity to learn and engage in creative problem-solving Definition is hampered by information overload, nowadays.

Information Fatigue Syndrome, also known as information overload, is a concept that describes how the modern world's overflow of experiences has made individuals increasingly jaded and insensitive, unable to act and react efficiently to events. IFS might be making us sick by disrupting our sleep, impairing our focus, and weakening our immune systems.

Email, instant messaging, tweets, Facebook notifications, Whatsapp messages, and notifications from other smartphone apps are among the biggest contributors to this modern affliction.

Symptoms of IFS are:

  1. Short-term memory overflow causes poor attention.

  2. Multitasking frequently leads to decreased productivity instead of enhancing the same.

  3. Hurry sickness, the notion that one must always hustle to keep up with the pace of time.

  4. Anxiety, irritation, and even wrath are all symptoms of persistent irritability.

  5. The brain shuts down and enters a trance-like state as a result of overstimulation.

  6. To keep "in contact," there is a strong urge to check email, voice mail, and the Internet.

  7. Traditional stress causes a reduced immune response, endocrine imbalance, sadness, and "burnout" symptoms.

IFS can be prevented by the following steps:

  1. Turning off all electronics for a certain amount of time each day and focusing on real-life human interactions

  2. Prioritizing tasks and concentrating on completing one at a time, avoiding doing more than one or two at a time.

  3. Concentrating on the essential study rather than being sidetracked by enticing clickbait headlines.

  4. It's also important to have a work-life balance by not reading emails after office hours and not using an electronic device (phone or tablet) as the last thing before bed and the first thing after waking up.


"If you're thirsty, it's rational to stand under a faucet, not the Niagara Falls," says David Lewis, Ph.D., a British Psychologist. To dispel a common misconception, information overload is not caused by a lack of knowledge. The amount of information available and the methods available to translate it into useful knowledge are incompatible.

TWN Opinion