How to Reclaim a Greener Earth on This World Earth Day

20 Apr 2022
5 min read

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Today, things are pretty messed up than an oil spill. Increasing natural catastrophes, severe weather, and rapidly rising temperatures may appear unstoppable for one person, let alone millions or billions. Coral reefs are disappearing, we see pictures of animals on land and in the sea with trash in their bellies or around their bodies, and corporate factories and large corporations around the world continue to pollute our air and living spaces. A small action, such as picking up litter on the sidewalk that would otherwise end up around the neck of an animal or in the ocean, has an impact — it's a step in the right direction and a significant change. These small actions bring about big changes and we will talk about these small actions in this article. On Earth Day, we must make the masses aware that their small steps can help our earth to get better and greener. #TWN


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With World Earth Day right around the corner, it’s time to pick up the tools and work for the benefit of our earth. April 22nd is celebrated as World Earth Day with an aim to promote awareness for a healthy environment. Why should we keep celebrating this holiday? Some may see it as just another holiday or an excuse to wear green and a flower crown like St. Patrick's Day, but significant concerns about our changing environment are being studied and discussed today by respected scientists, public officials, and young climate change activists alike, some folks are adapting to more ecologically friendly ways of life — every day, not just on April 22 every year. To save the turtles, start composting, recycling, refashioning, carpooling, thrifting, and using metal straws.

So much to say about the day. So, let’s thank our Earth with this blog and some actions that we all will have to take starting immediately.

The Backstory or History of World Earth Day

The concept of Earth Day began in 1969, when a US Senator named Gaylord Nelson watched the effects of a major oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. In 1970, he called on all Americans to take a stand for the environment, and large numbers of colleges and universities across the country organized protests in support of a healthy, sustainable Earth. This included air pollution from processing plants and freeways, as well as animal habitat loss and extinction. Because of these national rallies, the first Earth Day aided in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.

Today, things are pretty messed up than an oil spill. Increasing natural catastrophes, severe weather, and rapidly rising temperatures may appear unstoppable for one person, let alone millions or billions. Coral reefs are disappearing, we see pictures of animals on land and in the sea with trash in their bellies or around their bodies, and corporate factories and large corporations around the world continue to pollute our air and living spaces. A small action, such as picking up litter on the sidewalk that would otherwise end up around the neck of an animal or in the ocean, has an impact — it's a step in the right direction and a significant change.

As we talked about a small step that one could take. Let’s discuss a few steps you could take to celebrate this day a little better.

Your Activities on the World Earth Day 2022

These are not just one-day activities that you need to do only on Earth Day 2022. Add them into your routine this year and keep performing them daily.

  • Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Year

Try new ways to change up your commute or a part of your everyday routine. Instead of driving, carpool with friends, take public transportation, walk, skate, scooter, or ride a bike to your destination. Depending on the season, you might prefer this new mode of transportation rather than sitting in traffic.

Reducing your carbon footprint is very essential on your part. One person can change the fate of the Earth if he or she takes it in as a responsibility. If one person reduces his carbon footprint, just imagine billion people can bring it to almost zero.

Your carbon footprint will decide the future of the coming generation and this planet.

  • Your Wardrobe, Recycle it! Reuse it!

Though it may appear inconsequential in the grand scale of things, your closet and shopping habits can hurt the environment. When you buy thrifted or gently used clothing online, no new resources are used to make more clothing items that will eventually be repurposed, reused, or thrown away. According to some studies, shopping online is better for the environment because it uses about 30% fewer options to sell items online. Launch the Amazon Prime app!

  • It is Time to Switch up Your Diet

Most people are aware that the production of food accounts for one-quarter to one-third of all greenhouse emissions globally, with the meat industry bearing the major share of the blame. According to the BBC, if the entire world became vegetarian and stopped eating red meat by 2050, food-related emission levels would be reduced by approximately 60%. Instead, if the world went vegan, emissions would be reduced by roughly 70%. Perhaps it's time to try the new 'Beyond Meat' burgers.

To know more about activities that you can do to help mother earth on Earth Day 2022, Here is an article for you!


It is the time to change everything — the business climate, the political climate, and how we respond to climate change. Now is the time for invincible boldness to protect and preserve our health, families, and livelihoods! We must all work together to Invest In Our

Because a prosperous future is one that is green.

We must act (bravely), innovate (widely), and implement (equitably). It will require all of us. I'm all in. Companies, government agencies, and citizens are all counted, and everyone is held accountable. A collaboration for the sake of the planet.

Now, it’s time for some facts that might give you a different perspective on the situation

Facts About the World Earth Day 2022

  • Record-Breaking Rise in Carbon Dioxide Levels

As per the Nat Geo Society, carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere have never been higher, due in part to natural causes and in part to the advances in industrialization made by humans around the world since the 1700s.

  • Food Waste Is Directly Proportional to Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Many people are unaware that the more food humans waste and do not ingest, the more greenhouse gases are emitted to transport and disintegrate the waste.

  • Climate Changes Change the Temperature and Weather

As per the United States Global Change Research Program, the heat in the United States has risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 50 years, while precipitation has risen by 5%. More extreme weather events have occurred in the last 50 years – wild weather in 2019 broke over 120,000 records in the United States.

  • Top CO2 Emitter in the World

According to Earth Day Network, China, with a human population of 1.4 billion, is actually the leading emitter of atmospheric CO2, taking account 30% of global carbon dioxide emissions. However, The Us, with a population of approximately 328 million people, ranks second only to China as a top emitter, accounting for 15% of global carbon emissions.

These were some of the facts that I thought I might share with you.

If you want things to change, you must begin it from your end, and the rest will follow. Be an Avenger the world needs, the earth needs.

TWN In-Focus